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Chapter 5

Presentations in English


All presentations have a common objective. People give presentations because they want to communicate in order to:

  • inform
  • train
  • persuade
  • sell

A successful presentation is one of the most effective ways of communicating your message. And because English is so widely used in international business, a working knowledge of the vocabulary and techniques used in an English language presentation is a valuable asset.

We will start by exploring

the importance of preparation.

After that, we will consider

what equipment to use.

Then we will look at

how to "deliver" a presentation.

After delivery, we will examine

the language of presentations,

before moving on to

the presentation itself.

Finally, we will conclude with

a review of what we have covered.

Afterwards, you will be invited to

take a test and ask questions.



Can you name the 3 most important things when giving any presentation?

Number 1 is... Preparation

Number 2 is... Preparation!

Number 3 is... Preparation!!

Preparation is everything!

With good preparation and planning you will be totally confident and less nervous. And your audience will feel your confidence. Your audience, too, will be confident. They will be confident in you. And this will give you control. Control of your audience and of your presentation. With control, you will be 'in charge' and your audience will listen positively to your message.

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