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Price Change Notice

Symphony of Sound 12 Main Street, Arrington, Tennessee, 37014 Tel: (615) 395-8765 November 21st, 20-- Alicia Hathoway 14 Sparks Rd Arrington, Tennessee, 37014 Dear Ms. Hathoway: Forthcoming Price Change Season tickets for this year's symphony are going on sale next month and we wanted you to be among the first to know. As you probably know, rental prices have skyrocketed throughout Tennessee this year. Due to our increase in rent at the Arrington Forum, we are finding it necessary to raise the price of our season tickets from $228 to $275. Single viewing tickets will also be subject to a price increase. We hope that you will consider purchasing season tickets for next year despite this change. The Arrington Symphony has been together for 23 years, and relies on season-ticket holders to fill 25% of the seating at each event. Without your support the Arrington Symphony could be forced into retirement before its 25th anniversary. We look forward to having you in our audience again next year. Yours truly, Colin Fairchild Colin Fairchild Promotional Director
Pino's Pizzaria Viale Silvani 10, 2345 Bologna, Italy Tel:051 520799 November 30th, 20-- Joanne Montague Via Belmeloro 18 40123 Bologna Dear Ms Montague, As you are probably aware, the recent smoking ban has had a profound impact on our business. Our sales have dropped 40 percent in the last six months. Though we do not expect this to be a long-term concern for our business, we don't expect sales to return to normal until the summer when our patio opens for the tourist season. Due to the loss in business we regret to inform you that we are laying-off all of our hosts and hostesses for the winter and spring. With business being so slow our servers can handle the task of greeting and seating customers on their own. You are entitled to two week's severence pay, which will be paid in full on your next paycheck. Please come in for any scheduled shifts next week. Sincerely, Franco Bellini Franco Bellini Owner

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