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Further Reading


If you’d like to read more about the characters, situations, and settings featured in this novel, the sources listed below offer additional pieces of the story of Azeroth.

• Many of the trials and tribulations that King Varian Wrynn has faced throughout his life are recounted in World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King and World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm by Christie Golden, World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness by Aaron Rosenberg, World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden, World of Warcraft: Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak, and the short story “Blood of Our Fathers” by Dan Arey (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/). Varian also plays a major role in the monthly World of Warcraft comic book by Walter and Louise Simonson, Ludo Lullabi, Jon Buran, Mike Bowden, Sandra Hope, and Tony Washington.• More information about King Genn Greymane and the lengths to which he has gone to protect Gilneas is revealed in World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness by Aaron Rosenberg; World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden; Warcraft: Day of the Dragon by Richard A. Knaak; the World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen comic book by Micky Neilson and James Waugh, Ludo Lullabi, and Tony Washington; and the short story “Lord of His Pack” by James Waugh (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/).• In World of Warcraft: The Shattering by Christie Golden, Thrall appoints Garrosh Hellscream warchief of the Horde. Other details concerning this proud and fierce new warchief can be found in issues #15–20 of the monthly World of Warcraft comic book by Walter and Louise Simonson, Jon Buran, Mike Bowden, Phil Moy, Walden Wong, and Pop Mhan; World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden; and the short stories “Heart of War” by Sarah Pine and “As Our Fathers Before Us” by Stevie Nix (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/).• Malfurion Stormrage and his love, Tyrande Whisperwind, struggle against the shadowy Emerald Nightmare in World of Warcraft: Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak. Further insight regarding the relationship between Malfurion and Tyrande is offered in the War of the Ancients Trilogy (Warcraft: The Well of Eternity, Warcraft: The Demon Soul, and Warcraft: The Sundering) by Richard A. Knaak and the short story “Seeds of Faith” by Valerie Watrous (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/). The World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen comic book by Micky Neilson and James Waugh, Ludo Lullabi, and Tony Washington also documents Malfurion’s efforts to deal with the worgen curse long before it appeared in the kingdom of Gilneas.• In the War of the Ancients Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak, Tyrande Whisperwind reluctantly establishes herself as the leader of the night elves. Other exciting events in Tyrande’s life are portrayed in World of Warcraft: Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak; issue #6 of the monthly World of Warcraft comic book by Walter Simonson, Ludo Lullabi, and Sandra Hope; the World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen comic book by Micky Neilson and James Waugh, Ludo Lullabi, and Tony Washington; and the short story “Seeds of Faith” by Valerie Watrous (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/).• You can read about Shandris Feathermoon’s past, including her relationship with Tyrande Whisperwind, in Warcraft: The Demon Soul and Warcraft: The Sundering (books two and three of the War of the Ancients Trilogy) by Richard A. Knaak; World of Warcraft: Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak; issues #2, 3, and 5 of the World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen comic book by Micky Neilson and James Waugh, Ludo Lullabi, and Tony Washington; and “Seeds of Faith,” a short story by Valerie Watrous (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/).• Jarod Shadowsong rose to fame for his heroic command of the night elf resistance forces against the Burning Legion in the War of the Ancients Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak. The last book of this series, Warcraft: The Sundering, also features Jarod’s relationship with his older sister, Maiev, and Shandris Feathermoon.• The mysterious origins of the worgen curse, which has afflicted King Genn Greymane and many other Gilneans, are disclosed in the short story “Lord of His Pack” by James Waugh (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/) and the World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen comic book by Micky Neilson and James Waugh, Ludo Lullabi, and Tony Washington.• Legends abound concerning the wolf Ancient, Goldrinn. The great creature’s Taur-ahe name, Lo’Gosh, has been used to describe King Varian Wrynn due to the human’s ferocity in battle. You can learn more about Goldrinn in World of Warcraft: Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak; issue #3 of the monthly World of Warcraft comic book by Walter Simonson, Ludo Lullabi, and Sandra Hope; and issue #1 of the World of Warcraft: Curse of the Worgen comic book by Micky Neilson and James Waugh, Ludo Lullabi, and Tony Washington.• Warden Maiev Shadowsong’s role during the War of the Ancients, including her relationship with her brother, Jarod, is depicted in Warcraft: The Sundering, book three of the War of the Ancients Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak.• During the War of the Ancients, many of the arcane-wielding Highborne were bent to the fallen titan Sargeras’s will. Only recently have the Highborne been allowed to take part in night elf society again. Their history, at times tragic, is explored in the War of the Ancients Trilogy by Richard A. Knaak and Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy: Ultimate Edition by Richard A. Knaak and Kim Jae-Hwan.• The many challenges of Prince Anduin Wrynn’s life, such as his difficult relationship with his father, Varian, are shown in World of Warcraft: The Shattering by Christie Golden; the monthly World of Warcraft comic book by Walter and Louise Simonson, Ludo Lullabi, Jon Buran, Mike Bowden, Sandra Hope, and Tony Washington; and “Blood of Our Fathers,” a short story by Dan Arey (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/).• Long ago, the wise leader of the draenei, Velen, led his followers from their homeworld of Argus to elude the fallen titan Sargeras. Their escape and subsequent time spent on the world of Draenor are portrayed in World of Warcraft: Rise of the Horde by Christie Golden.• A glimpse into High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque’s efforts to liberate the gnomish capital, Gnomeregan, from the forces of Sicco Thermaplugg is offered in “Cut Short,” a short story by Cameron Dayton (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/). The brilliant gnome also makes an appearance in World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden.• In Wolfheart, three dwarves journey to Darnassus as lead representatives of the newly forged Council of Three Hammers. Another tale concerning the Bronzebeard representative, Thargas Anvilmar, is told in issues #8–15 of the World of Warcraft monthly comic book by Walter and Louise Simonson, Jon Buran, Mike Bowden, Sandra Hope, and Jerome K. Moore. Insight into the Dark Iron representative, Drukan, can be found in World of Warcraft: The Shattering by Christie Golden. Lastly, the various exploits of the Wildhammer representative, Kurdran Wildhammer, are recounted in World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal by Aaron Rosenberg and Christie Golden, World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness by Aaron Rosenberg, and “Fire and Iron,” a short story by Matt Burns (on http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/). THE BATTLE RAGES ON


In the wake of the Cataclysm, tensions between the Horde and the Alliance have ignited conflicts throughout the world of Azeroth. Yet these clashes have only sapped resources and diverted attention from an even greater threat, as the corrupted black Dragon Aspect, Deathwing, and his minions grow closer to plunging the world into darkness....

In World of Warcraft ’s third expansion, Cataclysm, you can take part in the epic confrontations between the Horde and the Alliance and also work toward thwarting Deathwing’s schemes. The previous two World of Warcraft expansions, The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King, take players to the ruined world of Outland and the icy wastes of Northrend, while Cataclysm allows players to explore once-familiar regions in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms forever transformed by Deathwing’s assault on Azeroth. The battle lines between Azeroth’s defenders and their adversaries have been drawn. All that remains is to decide whether you will join in the fight to save the world from annihilation.

To discover the ever-expanding world that has entertained millions around the globe, go to WorldofWarcraft.com and download the free trial version. Live the story.




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