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Urban planning and design

It was at Harvard University that the first formal North American programs in city and regional planning (1923) and urban design (1960) were established. Since then, Harvard has played a leading role in the education of urban planners and urban designers.
The Department of Urban Planning and Design is home to both professions, offering a first professional degree in urban planning and a post-professional degree in urban design. Composed of internationally experienced scholars and practitioners, the department’s faculty explores the built environment from diverse disciplinary backgrounds and points of view. The department’s pedagogically innovative combination of interdisciplinary studios, lecture courses, seminars, and independent study, coupled with a relatively small student size of roughly 100 individuals drawn from around the world, create an intimate, engaged educational atmosphere in which students thrive and learn.
Accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board and open to students with an undergraduate degree, the two-year professional Master in Urban Planning degree program focuses on planning for the development, preservation, and enhancement of the built environment. Students learn how to understand, analyze, and influence the variety of forces-social, economic, cultural, legal, political, ecological, and aesthetic, among others-shaping the built environment. The post-professional, two-year Master of Architecture in Urban Design and Master of Landscape Architecture in Urban Design degree programs enable architects and landscape architects to address the larger scale of urban problems through formal techniques and application of knowledge from complementary areas of expertise such as real estate, law, and the history of urbanism.

by Alex Kreiger,

Chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Design


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