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Types of travel


Ø Match these types of trips below to the texts that describe them:

go on a boat trip go on an excursion go on a voyage go on a journey go on a walk go on a guided tour go on an expedition go on a business trip

1. We have been planning it for years. It’s one of the last remaining unexplored areas of rainforest in the world, and who knows what we will find there. In the party, there will be scientists and ecologists as well as experienced adventurers because we could discover new species of plants and animals.

2. Well, I’ve booked it. We have to be in front of the hotel at six o’clock in the morning, and, as soon as everybody has taken their seat, we’ll set off for Warwick and Stratford. It’s motorway most of the way, but there should be some nice views when we get near Warwick. We have two hours at the castle and all afternoon to visit Shakespeare’s house. We have to be back on the coach for the drive home at six.

3. It was a lovely afternoon, so we put on our coats and boots and headed off for Hare Hill. We took the dog, too. The path along the river is very narrow so we went in single file until we reached Newbridge village. And it’s a really steep climb to the top of the hill. We were exhausted by the time we got home.

4. We went up on deck. The strong breeze immediately hit us in the face. I looked far out across the huge desert of green-blue that lay before us, but I could see no land. It would be three more days before we reached the coast of South America.

5. There were hundreds of people on the platform, and, carrying two suitcases, and a rucksack on his back, William began to worry that he wouldn’t be able to find his seat. It would take two days travelling on this old train across some of the most lonely and beautiful scenery in the world before he reached the little village in the foothills where he was going to work.

6. I’ll be arriving at Linate Airport at 3, travelling club class. Could you arrange for a driver to be waiting for me? I have to be at Head Office for the meeting at four thirty. I will only be carrying hand luggage – a briefcase and an overnight bag – so I shouldn’t be delayed in customs.

7. It was the highlight of the holiday. We booked a trip along the River Umacinta between Mexico and Guatemala. It was wonderful. We travelled for two hours past forested banks watching the alligators, visited a Mayan ruin, and stopped for lunch in an old village.

8. On the left, you can see St Paul’s Cathedral, designed by Sir Christopher Wren. We’re going inside now. Could you all stay together, please?

Ø How would you define a traveller? Are you a traveller? Look at these different types of traveller. How would you define or describe them?

a pilgrim a tourist a rambler an emigrant a holiday-maker a commuter a hitchhiker a yachtswoman a bus conductor a motorcycle courier

Ø Match the types of traveller in the previous question to the descriptions below:

1. She sails round the world single-handed in a catamaran.

2. He goes sightseeing and takes lots of photos.

3. She finally arrives at the holy place and approaches the icon.

4. He left Britain in 1980 and has settled in Australia.

5. He thumbs a lift.

6. He delivers urgent letters and parcels to businesses in the city.

7. Every Sunday, he walks ten miles or so for pleasure across hills and moors.

8. This summer we’ve booked a lovely holiday hotel near the beach in the south of Spain.

9. She catches the eight o’clock train every weekday morning.

10. He sells tickets on the number 22.


Ø Which of the people describing themselves below are travellers, and which are tourists?

1. I always go on all-inclusive package holidays, and stay in luxurious resorts. I prefer to book everything in advance.

2. I’m very adventurous – a bit of an explorer really – I like to find my own way around new and unusual places. I like to get off the beaten track.

3. I love backpacking around the world, travelling on a shoestring, staying in budget accommodation and meeting fellow globetrotters.


Ø Find phrases above which mean:

1. Everything paid for before you go.

2. Go places that most people don’t go to.

3. Travel without spending much money.


Ø Describe an exciting journey that you have made in detail:

1. Where did you go? When? Why? Who with?

2. Describe each step of the journey in detail?

3. What did you see? What interesting experiences did you have?



Ø Try the quiz.

1. Who are the travelling public?

2. Do we say in your travels or on your travels?

3. What do you take if you travel light?

4. What’s a travelogue?

5. What does a travel agent do?

6. What do you mean if you say your car can really travel?

7. What do you mean if you say that a wine travels well?

8. What’s the difference between travel sickness and motion sickness?

9. What are you if you are well-travelled?

10. What’s the difference between traveling and travelling?

11. What is a travelator?

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