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Words to be Learnt. cable tool rig-установка ударно-канатного бурения

cable tool rig -установка ударно-канатного бурения.

water supply -водоснабжение

bed rock -коренная порода, постель залежи

aquifer -водоносный горизонт

spudder -легкий станок ударно-канатного бурения,

to drop - осаждаться, выпадать

to pulverize -измельчать, распылять

jars - ясс ловильный (гидравлический ударный механизм)

slider -ползунок, скользящий контакт, движок (прибора), подвижная шкала

trapdoor -заслонка ловушки

bailer - желонка, ковш, скребок

bucket - стакан воздушного насоса, поршень воздушного насоса, лопасть(турбины)




Exercise 6.9. Найдите в правой колонке перевод анг­лийских слов:


1. cable tool rig

2. water supply

3. bed rock

4. aquifer

5. to pulverize

6. to drop


7. spudder


8. jars


9. slider

10. trapdoor

11. bailer

12. bucket



  1. заслонка ловушки
  2. ясс ловильный
  3. ползунок, скользящий контакт
  4. стакан воздушного насоса
  5. водоносный горизонт
  6. легкий станок ударно-канатного бурения
  7. установка ударно-канатного бурения
  8. коренная порода, постель залежи
  9. измельчать, распылять
  10. осаждаться, выпадать
  11. водоснабжение
  12. желонка

Exercise 6.10. Find English equivalents in the text:


1. установка ударно-канатного бурения

2. поршень воздушного насоса

3. гидравлический ударный механизм

4. осаждаться, выпадать

5. постель залежи

6. погруженный

7. периодически удаляемый

8. подповерхностные породы

9. вливать в ковш

10. без ограничения

11. глубокий пласт

12. дополнительная энергия

13. процесс бурения

14. подавать назад


Exercise 6.11. Make up the sentence with the words:


  1. water wells, cable tool rigs, to use, all over the world
  2. majority, drilling method, water supply wells, deep wells, were completed, large, complete, diameter, aquifers
  3. bailer, tool with, in the base, trapdoor, bucket
  4. to operate, loud and very slow, simpler, rotary rigs, cheaper
  5. during, to remove, a bailer, the borehole, to lower, the drill cuttings, the drill string, the drilling process, to collect
  6. water supply wells, cable tool rigs, rural



Exercise 6.12. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What is a multi-combination drilling rig?
  2. What does the diamond core drilling utilise to cut a cylindrical core of solid rock?
  3. Are they set within a matrix of varying hardness, from brass to high-grade steel?
  4. Matrix hardness, diamond size and dosing can be varied according to the weather, can’t it?
  5. Is diamond drilling much faster than reverse circulation (RC) drilling?
  6. Why is diamond drilling much slower than reverse circulation (RC) drilling?
  7. How are the core samples retrieved?
  8. What is the function of the Driller's offsider during diamond core drilling?
  9. Who uses the core after washing and measuring?
  10. What for do the geologists retrieve the core?



Multi-combination drilling rig (capable of both diamond and reverse circulation drilling). Rig is currently setup for diamond drilling.

Diamond core drilling (Exploration diamond drilling) utilises an annular diamond-impregnated drill bit attached to the end of hollow drill rods to cut a cylindrical core of solid rock. They are set within a matrix of varying hardness, from brass to high-grade steel. Matrix hardness, diamond size and dosing can be varied according to the rock which must be cut. Holes within the bit allow water to be delivered to the cutting face. This provides three essential functions; lubrication, cooling, and removal of drill cuttings from the hole.

Diamond drilling is much slower than reverse circulation (RC) drilling due to the hardness of the ground being drilled. Drilling of 1200 to 1800 metres is common and at these depths, ground is mainly hard rock. Diamond rigs need to drill slowly to lengthen the life of drill bits and rods, which are very expensive.

Core samples are retrieved via the use of a lifter tube, a hollow tube lowered inside the rod string by a winch cable until it stops inside the core barrel. As the core is drilled, the core lifter slides over the core as it is cut. An overshot attached to the end of the winch cable is lowered inside the rod string and locks on to the backend, located on the top end of the lifter tube. The winch is retracted, pulling the lifter tube to the surface. The core does not drop out the inside of the lifter tube when is lifted because a "core lifter spring," located at the bottom of the tube allows the core to move inside the tube but not fall out.

Once a rod is removed from the hole, the core sample is then removed from the rod and catalogued. The Driller's offsider screws the rod apart using tube clamps, then each part of the rod is taken and the core is shaken out into core trays. The core is washed, measured and broken into smaller pieces using a hammer to make it fit into the sample trays. Once catalogued, the core trays are retrieved by geologists who then analyse the core and determine if the drill site is a good location to expand future mining operations.

Diamond rigs can also be part of a multi-combination rig. Multi-combination rigs are a dual setup rig capable of operating in either a reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling role (though not at the same time). This is a common scenario where exploration drilling is being performed in a very isolated location. The rig is first setup to drill as an RC rig and once the desired metres are drilled, the rig is setup for diamond drilling. This way the deeper metres of the hole can be drilled without moving the rig and waiting for a diamond rig to setup on the pad.

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