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LISTENING. You are going to hear a talk between Hector Grant and Peter Wiles


Exercise 1

You are going to hear a talk between Hector Grant and Peter Wiles. Before you listen to the conversation look at these statements, which you will mark T (True) or F (False) after you have listened to the tape.

1. Harper & Grant Ltd. is on the verge of the biggest crisis in the history of the firm, but it has nothing to do with Ambrose Harper's death.
2. The shares of the company are distributed so that Peter Wiles’s mother and Hector Grant own the lion's share with fifty per cent.
3. The mattress-makers over the road, Wentworth and Company have ten per cent of the shares.
4. Ambrose Harper has left two thousand of his two thousand five hundred shares to form a trust.
5. Ambrose Harper has left five hundred thousand pounds to his sister.
6. H.G. spoke to Caroline after the solicitor had finished reading Ambrose's will, and she told him she'd had a very generous offer for the shares.
7. H. G. is sure that only Wentworth, who wanted to get in Harper & Grant for a long time, knew Caroline was Ambrose's only remaining relative.
8. Caroline can sell her shares without offering them first to the other shareholders because Harper & Grant are a private company.
9. Some of the present managers of Harper & Grant Ltd. had to sell their shares and Wentworth easily got a further interest in the company.
10. Peter Wiles is always in the red because he lives in a great way*.
11. H.G. and his colleagues have to raise a loan and buy enough of the shares to keep the controlling interest.
12. The total share capital had a market value of about five hundred thousand dollars when Ambrose Harper died.
13. If H.G. bought two hundred and fifty shares that would be about twenty-five thousand pounds.

Exercise 2

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