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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Чтение: Text 1: Some Statistics

71. Who can be considered the best workers? C) The English

72. When is the largest amount of strong drinks sold? E) Luxembourg

73. What country has the highest tax on the drinks?

E) Sweden


74. Who can be considered as the heaviest smokers?

C) The Greeks


75. Who is most inclined to suicide?

A) The Finns


76. Who consumes the least of alcohol?

B) The Swedes


77. What is the average duration of the working week of the British?

D) 44 hours


78. What people are the biggest consumers of alcohol?

A) The French


Text 2: Businessmen Outside the Law

79. When did the era of the gold rush end? E) around 1851

80. Where did he serve as sheriff?

A) in Virginia City


81. How did he finish his career?

C) was caught and thrown in his own jail


82. Who were the members of a gang led by Jesse James?

B) the richest men


83. Where was Jesse James’s gang organized?

C) In Missouri


84. How much money did they earn in 10 years?

B) over 200.000 dollars


85. Who was Jesse James’s father?

E) a minister


Text 3: Looking To the Future

86. … to the students, how would 1978 be different from 1958? A) Machines would be run by solar power

87. When did H. J. Rand write his article?

D ) in 1957


88. How do sometimes professionals sound?

B) like high-school students


89. According to the text of forecasting should be accurate in

D) economic


90. When did the most forecasters see an excellent future for the stock market

A) in early 1929


91. What month was marked with the worst losses

A) October



92. What happened to the investors who had put their faith in financial foreseen?

C ) their investments were ruined


93. Who was asked about the year 2000

D) H. J. Rand of the Rand Corporation


Text 4: Market Women

94. Who visited Nigeria? D) Hugh Clapperton


95. What do “market masters” do?

D) make decisions about the day-to-day running of the market


96. What do they also see?

E) market law is enforced


97. What are the market women in Onitsha famous for?

E) for their skill at making large amounts of pots of money


98. Where is Onitsha situated?

C) on the eastern banks of the Niger River


99. How do market women spend their money?

B ) in high style


100. Where do market women send their children?

B) to universities overseas


Вариант 3: Слушание: Text 1

1.What Alex wanted to see very much?

B) flight to the moon


2. How did Debra learn about this event?

C) From newsflash


3. What did she thank it was?

B) Something terrible had happened


Text 2

6. Who is the main character of this text?

E ) Sam Brannan


7. How much money did Sam Brannan earned in just nine weeks?

B) $ 36000


8. How did Sam Brannan die?

B) An unnoticed death


9. Find the synonym to the word “successful” according to the text.

A) wealthy


10. Find the proper word according to this definition “political, racial or religion baiting”

C) persecution

Text 3

11. What does Lara consider is the reason of her success?

C) She has ever let anything stand in her way


12. What’s Lara’s dream?

A) to ski down Everest with Brian Blessed


13. According to the text. Find the antonym to the word “to survive” C ) to die


14. What does it mean “to be in shape”

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