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The forex market

Assignment 1. Fill in the blanks using the following words/collocations:

a) foreign exchange b) volume c) growth curve
d) interbank market e) supply and demand f) active trading
g) trading h) fueled i) execute j) trading software
k) capital requirements l) individual speculators m) carved out a niche

1. Forex, an abbreviation for_____, is the largest financial trading market in the world, with an average of $1.9 trillion US dollars worth of currency traded daily.

2. The _____ of a country’s currency are the principal drivers that influence the value of that currency relative to other country’s currencies.

3. The practice of trading currencies online has increased threefold from 2002 to 2005, and many experts say that the _____ is expected to continue beyond 2008.

4. Due to the significant size of the market, it provides traders with access to tremendous liquidity (also called _____), which means that the market is less likely to be influenced by any one market participant.

5. Other financial markets for _____ can be significantly smaller, allowing the possibility for large–volume trading participants to influence the market through unwarranted price manipulation.

6. In the past, access to the forex market was only available to the wealthiest individuals, or through dealing via banks that moved large amounts of currencies for commercial and investment purposes (known as the _____).

7. The widespread use of the Internet and the entrepreneurial vision of smaller financial institutions to develop _____ to make FX trading faster and more efficient through the use of technology opened up the forex market for average investors to access and trade.

8. _____ the dollar, the euro, the yen or a variety of other currencies can now quickly and easily be done from a personal computer or a PDA (personal digital assistant). What used to happen only between banks in the interbank market over the telephone can now be done from your home, or while traveling, any time of the day or night.

9. While there are many participants in the interbank market, including government–run central banks, large money center banks and wealthy individuals, it was not until the late 1990s that the average trader could access forex, primarily due to the efficiencies gained through technology, which led to reduced _____ to gain access to the market, and a much demanded ability to leverage capital in trading.

10. When third-party forex dealing firms like GFT began offering widespread individual access, they _____ in the financial services industry by creating a new category of primary market-makers.

11. They are firms that create a two-sided market by offering consistent prices for buying and selling currencies on large to very small amounts, thus appealing to _____.

12. Acting as the principal on small to large transactions and working with large banks in the interbank market to make the best prices available to customers while managing the risk as principal as a bank would, this new niche _____ by online forex trading software allowed customers to effectively _____trades in the forex market via the internet.

(Source: GFT’s Introductory Forex Trading Guide)

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