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The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck

1. Below are words from the story and their definitions. Match the words with their definitions.

alight gobble fox-gloves
faggot fox-hound snippet
bonnet fowl commence
turf lard quack
  (v): to make the sound that ducks make.
  (n): a farmyard bird, especially a hen kept for its meat or eggs.
  (v): to get off or down from something, especially at the end f a journey; come down from above.
  (n): a tall straight poisonous plant that has pink or white bell-shaped flowers all the way up its stem
  (n): a round head-covering tied under the chin, and often with a brim that shades the face, worn by babies and, especially in former times, by women.
  (v): fml or pomp to begin.
  (n): old use a bunch of small sticks for burning.
  (n): pig fat made pure by melting, used in cookery
  (n): infml a small bit of something
  (n): a surface made up of earth and a thick covering of grass.
  (v): infml to eat very quickly, and sometimes noisily.
  (n): a dog with a sharp sense of smell, trained to track down and kill foxes.

2. Listen to the story by Beatrix Potter. Find the English for:

- высиживать утят - доведенный до отчаяния - отправляться - заросль, кустарник - представлять себе - пень - заблудиться - свернуть газету - жаловаться на к-л. / ч-л. - лезть не в свои дела - полный мешок перьев - мешать, стоять на дороге - провести (в комнату) - душный - заботиться - откладывать яйца - переворачивать - простудиться - добросовестный - шалфей - тимьян - мята - простак, глупец -откусывать, отгрызать - фаршированная утка - испытывать благоговейный трепет - щенок - резкий, грубый -хромать

3. Answer the following questions:

1) Why did Jemima Puddle-Duck leave the farm on a fine afternoon?

2) How did the gentleman with sandy whiskers help the duck?

3) What did the gentleman suggest the duck before her eggs had been hatched?

4) What did the collie make of the story about the fox?

5) What do you think happened to the fox?


4. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Make up three sentences after the patterns in bold type:

a) I wish I could meet with that fowl.

b) He used to turn them over and count them when Jemima was not there.


5. Point out the words and phrases the fox used to sound polite. Use them in a dialogue of your own.


6. Reproduce the story in writing.

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