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(2012 - 1st TERM)


Travel and research grants in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities (*) will be awarded to highly qualified PhD students and young post-doctoral researchers to perform part of their research in Turkey.


  1. Be a foreign citizen, non-Turkish citizen (people who have dual citizenship are not eligible)
  2. Be accepted by one of the universities or research institutes in Turkey
  3. Certify that he/she has sufficient command of language in which the research will be pursued
  4. For PhD students: To be enrolled in a PhD program abroad
  5. For post-doctoral researchers: not to be over the age of 35 as of application year
  6. PhD degree with GPA minimum 3.50/4.00 for post-doctoral researchers who got their PhD degrees from Turkish universities




Maximum duration of this fellowship is12months.




Maximum living allowance for this fellowship is 2.250 TL/month. If it is approved by TЬBЭTAK - Department of Science Fellowships and Grant Programmes (BЭDEB) Evaluation and Support Commission, travel costs and health insurance may be partially covered.



1. Photocopy of birth certificate or personal information part of passport

2. Curriculum vitae and list of publications (if any)

3. Curriculum vitae and list of publications of the host scientists

4. BSc, MSc and PhD transcripts

5. A letter of acceptance from a Turkish university or a research institute

6. A letter confirming that the applicant has got a leave of absence from his/her home institution

7. Language adequacy certificate

8. Two recommendation letters

9. A detailed research plan explaining the aim, experience and background of the candidate on the proposed research

10. A brief report prepared by the host scientist in Turkey on the proposed research project(signed)

11. For PhD students: a document certifying that the applicant is registered as a PhD student abroad

12. For post-doctoral researchers: a copy of PhD certificate

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