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Light boxes(Boxes)

Types of outdoor advertising


The most common form of outdoor advertising is a common sign store or shopping center. According to sociological research, namely the sign is an effective tool that is able to attract into your trading institution sufficiently large flow of potential customers and clients. sign should say that this is where any interested potential customer will find what he needs. It should be borne in mind that not many people know the beautiful foreign and rarely used words. Much more effective on the sign will write the name that will display exactly the kind of product that is predominant at this establishment.

Of no less importance should be attached to the placement and signage. The perfect place for this type of outdoor advertising is such an arrangement, a position which passes by every person will be able to see her at about eye level. If outrigger design and detached, then it might be worth a few lift for a wider viewing angle. Remember that the higher you raise your outrigger sign, the greater the number of people passing by will see it. But we should not overdo it. Be aware that most people do not go, with my legs head and looking in the sky.

Manufacturer of signs, as a rule, are engaged in advertising agencies. The approximate cost of signage average in Moscow is currently about $ 10,000. In this case often is warranted fitness for promotional material for two or three years.



Light boxes(Boxes)

Light boxes are excellent transmitters of advertising information at any time. This is especially true during the short daylight hours, when it was five o'clock in the evening on the streets dark enough to be considered billboards and roof construction. That light boxes in this situation are the most effective tools to promote products and brands.

Light box in the modern metropolis- is not only a beautiful view of the outdoor advertising. Most light boxes, decorated with the presence of creativity, can also improve the appearance of streets and improve the mood in the evening twilight those who consider it. This fact is noted by psychologists. The fact that in the autumn and winter the human body suffers from a lack of external light. Therefore, the human eye is automatically drawn to everything brighter and stand out against the environment. At the same time a person experiences positive emotions. Very often, these are times when viewing light boxes people received positive emotions associated in the future, the potential customer is the same product or service that is advertised on the light box.




1.3. Large letters

Large letters began to appear in the outdoor advertising recently. At present, the technology of production and placement of volumetric letters allow you to use a variety of different effects. Most often, advertisers use additional lighting. Lights in the manufacture of three-dimensional letters often used inside. It uses a variety of sources of optical radiation, the most common of which are LED and fluorescent lamps. Another frequently used effect is the so-called rotation of three-dimensional letters. This is possible due to the fact that the installation design specialized set the relay, which is adjusted by turning the letters around its axis.

Large letters are used as an independent means of external advertising, and may be used in any other type of organization. So, quite often large letters can be seen when placing signage and roof structures.

Independent elements of advertising volume letters are in if they contain in addition to the name of the company or outlet, and even the information that is able to attract a buyer. Large letters are quite rare common type of outdoor advertising. It is this fact suggests that their use may be highly likely to attract much more attention to potential clients and customers. Thus it is necessary to take into account the fact that the voluminous letters can fairly accurately transmit a lot of useful information, in addition to text sets.



1.4. Billboards (billboards)

Billboards - is the most common, popular, and perhaps one of the most effective types of outdoor advertising. The advantage of this promotional tool obviously - a huge number of contacts with a wide range of daily audience. And that is especially important in a metropolis whose residents are tired of the endless television commercials, billboards promoting your product or service unobtrusively, thereby forming a positive image of your company. In addition, unlike television and radio advertising, posting boards, you can concentrate on the area of the city that think for themselves the most attractive. For example, if you open a shop or cafe - that panels can be located in its vicinity.

And, in addition, boards are universal and overall range. This means that, depending on the characteristics of your campaign can use panels of different sizes and types of materials for printing the images (paper, banner fabric).



1.5. Roof construction (roof installation)

The most expensive, but the most prestigious and elite type of outdoor advertising are considered for roof installation. Image advertising for roof installations indicates prosperity, stability and financial health of the company. Visible for miles, dominating the main and central highways and avenues, such advertising installations are the hallmark of any firm, emphasizing its presence in the city and successful operation.

Roof advertising plays a very significant role in the advertising campaign, bringing it to a new level. The emergence of another roof installation in the city turns into an event, creating a well-known firms, new entrants to the market, or securing the familiar name of the company, product or brand. This attention is due to originality and individuality of each new installation, as well as its lighting solutions. Light roof installation - bright and colorful. Using different light dynamical regimes gives them even more expressive and provides additional opportunities for non-standard projects.




1.6. Video screens

Screens - one of the newest and fastest growing areas of outdoor advertising. Their main task - to bring dynamic visual information the widest possible audience. To obtain maximum benefit from the use of this promotional tool, in addition to selecting the optimal size and location in crowded places, you need a proper selection of videos.

Advertising should be combined with a variety of information, interesting and useful even to casual passers-by and attracts their attention. In the commercials, which will be presented on video screens, there should be fine details and inscriptions, and the brightness and contrast must be such that the ads look good regardless of the time of day.


1.7. Signboard

Today, there are a surprising number of different types of signs. But mostly, they are divided into light and not light. Non-illuminated signs - this is the easiest from a technical point of view the solution. They are made without internal illumination. Typically, these signs are made for informational purposes. They are usually made in the form of a rectangular plate made of plastic or metal, which is applied to the text or graphic component (this is done by a computer or printing applications). If the label is applied by application, use adhesive tape, which can be colored or transparent, as well as matte or glossy.

On such signs indicate the name of the enterprise, it is located logo or trade mark, information on the scope of its activities. It may also indicate the contact information and location of the firm. More often than non-illuminated signs - the best solution for small offices or shopping pavilions.

The main advantage of this type - it is available for almost any company due to significantly lower cost. The disadvantage of these vyvesok- at night such advertising does not work, and the day draws less attention.

Illuminated signs - is the most common outdoor advertising, because it works at any time. Typically, they use internal lighting - fluorescent, neon lamps or LEDs). This is a very convenient form of advertising, since the front of the picture and you can relatively easily changed. But there is quite a significant drawback - the backlight can burn out, so for them it is necessary to constantly monitor.

The advantages of this kind - in efficiency, because its brightness and uniform illumination of advertising attracts the eye. Another advantage - weatherability simplicity, these tubes are lit, and in the cold and at high temperatures, moreover, they are long-lasting (maintained 10-15 years) and consume a relatively small amount of energy. They can be made of any size, from just one centimeter to several meters. Produce them of metal, plastic and wood.


1.8. Scroller

One of the most interesting types of outdoor advertising - a scroller that is setup with internal illumination and dynamically changing advertising messages (up to 10 and sometimes even 15 posters). Its advantage lies precisely in the mobility of the image, so in terms of memorability is 1.5-2.5 times more efficient than conventional static advertising. This is due to psychological factors. The man eventually just stops noticing the familiar image, and to get his attention should be interested in it or even intrigue. And the best way to do this - the dynamic change of image. Scroller - it is an opportunity to make your advertising campaign in the form of a series of posters that can be demonstrated on a single display. Furthermore, the format allows placing scroller images from two sides. Number of prints which can be placed in scroller, depends on the size and thickness of the material from which they are made. Typically, the method of their production of large format printing either on paper or on a banner fabric.

Intense lighting adds brightness posters and attracts more attention. Thanks to her, your advertising is working around the clock, regardless of ambient light.


1.9. Promotional banners

Advertising banners are a fabric printed with information and images, installation is carried out by means of a rope or rope tensioning system. Typically, such a construction is attached to supports or specially installed between the two buildings. The inherent advantage of this kind - its high efficiency, because it is always in the field of view of many people.

Design banners usually laconic: it is accurate slogan plus minimal information. This can be compared with running line in the news: its main purpose - concise and clear supply the most important information that interests the reader. It is easy to remember and human perception. If he is interested, all other items found on your web site, or at least call back to clarify.


1.10. Office signs

Office signs - a kind of calling card of your company, it is with these potential customers start their acquaintance with the firm. Therefore it is very important to make a good impression, and this means that the paper is printed on a standard office printer and glued to the wall with tape, not contribute to the formation of a solid and respectable corporate image. Choosing office signs, it must be remembered that it is the same element of corporate identity as business cards, letterheads, envelopes, corporate folders, etc. This means that, in addition to the material from which the product is to be accomplished, a great importance is the design. It must include, besides the name, company logo. And, of course, if the plate is executed in the corporate colors or muted "metal" range - it will make a favorable impression on potential clients.


1.11. Pointers

Among other types of outdoor advertising signs stand out for their functionality. They attract the attention of many people, because, in fact, serve as benchmarks in the big cities. From this fact and their associated advertising advantages. Due to its functionality, they do not cause irritation for consumers, in contrast to the hype, and most importantly - the majority of people they are perceived as more reliable, since placed adjacent to the really truthful information. The content of the index is always accurately and succinctly, it is well to remember, and the placement of advertising on it underlines the stability and respectability of the advertiser, because in this case the consumer company associated with participation in municipal programs for improvement of the city.

At the same time it is not only very effective but also a relatively inexpensive marketing tool. This is ideal if your company has a fairly limited budget, or do you basically just need to specify the location of your stores or offices. It is also a great addition to your campaign, if it involves the use of different types - light boxes, billboards, etc. Especially because unlike billboards, signs can be placed in almost any convenient place for you. They are placed in various urban areas, but it is desirable - at the intersection of the busiest traffic flows at intersections or at the exit of the subway. In addition, signs may be placed in the vicinity of major shopping, entertainment and office centers, set on its own poles or attached to the wall of buildings on special brackets.


1.12. Chevron

This element of corporate identity, involving stripe company logo or similar symbols on different clothes. Patches can be used not only for clothes, for custom-made costumes for all company employees deal fairly troublesome (must be selected in different sizes), and expensive. Therefore, carriers can serve corporate identity ties and scarves. They can also be applied to logo using silk thread embroidery or using chevrons. In this patch looks no less impressive. These chevrons can be embroidered with gold or silver thread, there are fabrics made of synthetic leather or rubberized (performed on the cloth and are mainly used for uniforms) and executed by sublimation printing. Price depends on the production of chevrons on the material used, the complexity of the work and the amount of the order (the higher it is, the bigger discount you can do). Embroidered chevrons are more expensive, the cost is about $ 1.5 per unit (four-product). Stripes, made of polymeric materials can cost up to $ 0.5 per share.


1.13. Pillar

One of the most inexpensive, but effective forms of outdoor advertising - a pillar. Pillar - a small outrigger advertising structure having one or two planes for drawing the image. As such, can be performed pointers location of the company or office, advertising a particular service or product. This is especially true for large business and shopping centers - in this case, such shields help distinguish your company among its many "neighbors".

Benefits pillars - their mobility (such advertising is easy to install, remove, or move to another place), relatively low cost and relatively high efficiency. The production of such boards is carried out in a fairly short period of time and requires no extra costs.

To accommodate the pillars on the street, there are certain rules established by the city administration generally (their goal - to create the most secure environment for pedestrians and vehicles). The installation of advertising structures must obtain permission by the relevant authorities, most often take the advertising agencies or manufacturers.

Pillars may be foldable or clumsy, as well as standard or exclusive. Standard products are made of the finished frame and have the model parameters and a rectangular shape. This is the easiest, but there are different options. Pillars at the same time can be single- or double-sided, folding or arched.


1.14. Window dressing

A special kind of outdoor advertising - showcases the device. This is not just a status indicator and a tool store promotion. Interesting and original arranged showcase - a kind of architectural ornament of the city, sometimes even landmark, against which photographed by tourists. Ultimately, this is a very effective form of advertising, because often potential customers decide to buy almost subconsciously while looking at shop window.

In varying degrees, this promotional tool is used everywhere. Exterior windows also have specialty stores, and supermarkets. In large shopping centers a lot of tenants, each of them trying to make a showcase of the most interesting, colorful and eye-catching. Inside, it is quite possible, but on the facade of the building would look too colorful mixture of styles and ideas. Therefore, in shopping malls exterior facade windows do not, tenant shops are limited to the internal arrangement. In large retail chains have carefully crafted corporate identity. In this regard, their windows are made relatively standardized and unified, though, of course, each may be the highlight.

Showcases can be issued in different ways, depending on their placement on the facade. For example, it may be extended only showcase a large area, which provides a great opportunity for exclusive designs. And in the big shopping malls can be placed multiple windows. In this case, an interesting effect gives the plot layout, creating a series of some kind of "frames" that will be interesting to consider the potential customers.

Custom solutions can be used for windows, which are located on the second floor. In this case, the design elements should be especially bright and large to attract attention from afar.

In general, window dressing should be maintained in the corporate style of the store. It provides brand memorability. As techniques and tools to decorate the space and advertising uses case light panels (boxes), neon tubes, stands, large format printing (banners) on the back wall, in-depth exposition, applications using color films, various stickers, pillars.


1.15. Exterior Design

Advertising design facades - an effective, popular and versatile way to promote the brand. There can be used a variety of tools - signs, plaques, signs, installation of light boxes, etc. However, for this type of outdoor advertising is important integrated approach to design. This means that the facade should be designed in a single stylistic direction, based on a certain concept, appropriate corporate style of the company. In this case, the design should take into account the architectural features of the building and its surroundings. Facade should be in harmony with the surrounding urban landscape, but to stand out and be remembered among the other shops or cafes.


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