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Comprehension Questions. 1. Do all children study at state schools?

1. Do all children study at state schools?

2. What was the aim of the oldest public schools?

3. Why are some private schools called public?

4. Why are public schools very expensive?

5. What are the entrance requirements to these public schools?

6. Why can’t state-school children study at public schools?

7. What is Common Entrance like?

8. Whom are the examination papers set and assessed by?

9. Why do some parents tend to put their sons’ names down for two or three public schools?

10. What are preparatory schools for?

11. Who assesses the chances of pupils to enter public schools?

12. What do the fees at public schools depend on?

13. When were the first public schools founded?

14.What public schools are famous all over the world?

Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs if necessary. Consult the text.

1. Many parents are eager to pay … their children.

2. First public schools were … “public” control and management.

3. Most schools depend … the fees paid … their pupils’ parents.

4. Public schools are the most expensive … the independent schools.

5. Many … these schools take … some day pupils.

6. Entrance … these schools is … examination.

7. Pupils are sent first … a preparatory school.

8. Children have to pass an examination known …Common Entrance.

9. It is the qualifying examination … entry … many independent schools.

10.The curriculum … the Preparatory School lays … the “fundamental requirements” … good speech, spelling, handwriting.

11. … the same time public schools draw … their definite lists.

Tell your groupmates about public schools.

Why do you think people are eager to study at this kind of school?

Why are they ready to pay much money for education?

6. Read the article “The Boys in Top Hats”.

a) Render the text.

b) Compare Russian private schools with British public schools.

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