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Terneyskiy District

Terneyskiy district is the most northern and the most eastern one in Primorsk Region. Its narrow strip stretches between the ridge (хребет) of the Sikhote-Alin mountains and the coastal line of the Japanese Sea.

The name of Terney district has French roots. On the twenty-third of June the frigates “Bussol” and “Astrolyabiya” dropped anchors (якоря) in the bay which La Perouse named in honour of his teacher – a French admiral de Terney. In 1907 the name of Terney was given to the settlement located there, and in 1932 Terneyskiy district was established.

One of the main natural features of the districts is the Sikhote-Alin biospherical natural reservation that was established in 1935. The main aim of such reservations is to protect the country-side: It’s home to tiger, brown and Himalayan bears, goral (горал) and wild boar, wild bison (изюбр), and elk (лось), rare birds, insects (насекомые) and plants. A joint Russian-American programme for radio-marking of tigers is being carried out for more than 10 years.

This district is one of the most beautiful and attractive places. It is the place where you can enjoy fishing in the purest rivers and sea, breathing air filled with taiga aromas, climbing rocky hills, rafting (переплавляться на плотах). You’ll see the waterfalls of the river Amgy, the highest of them is “Cherny Shaman”. It drops (падает) into the deep canyon and is surrounded with rocks with heights up to 100 metres.

There are outlets (выходы) of underground waters with low miniralization and with temperature from 25 to 40 degrees.

If you are interested in different cultures then you should visit the settlement Agzu where Samargunskiye Udegians live. They are fishermen and hunters and preserve their traditional way of living. A grant from the International Fund of Wild Nature was won by the public organization “Gender nomadic commune Agzu” («Родовая кочевая община Агзу»). They want to formate the system of “ethnic territories” with ecological and cognitive tourism.

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