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My college

The Ussuriisk College of Education was founded in 1954. It is one of the biggest colleges of this kind in the Far East. At first there were only two faculties at the college: the faculty of arts and the faculty of sciences.

Nowadays our college has both faculties and departments. The faculties are history and law, primary education, foreign languages, physical training. The departments include psychology, oriental languages. There is a post-graduate department at out college too.

The head of the college is the Principal (Rector). He has three vice-principlals or deputy principals. One is responsible for tuition, the second is responsible for research work and the third for students’ upbringing. The dean is the head of the faculty. His deputy is known as the sub-dean or the deputy dean.

About four thousand students study at our college. Besides day or full time departments there is a correspondence department for part-time students who work during the day. The teaching staff of the college consists of professors, principal lecturers or readers, senior lecturers, junior or assistant lecturers. Professors and lecturers give lectures to a large number of students or study with groups, and here the students have a chance to discuss various themes. As a rule students have 3 double periods a day. Our college provides accommodation (hostels) for students. But some students rent a floor. The students spend five years at the college of Education. The academic year begins in September. It lasts 10 months. There are 2 terms in the course of the academic year. So students have to take their exams twice a year. Besides they have to present a course paper to their scientific advisers and make reports on various themes. Those who pass their exams successfully get grants.

Our college is quite large. It is a three-storey building. On the ground floor there is a cloak-room, a computer-class and some class-rooms. On the first floor there is an assembly-hall and a lot of classrooms. The Dean’s office of our faculty is on the second floor. On the walls near the Dean’s office there is a time-table and a lot of different notice-boards. Opposite the Dean’s office there is a library. There is a number of bookcases and bookshelves full of books in the library. There are some dictionaries and newspapers on the tables. We can see a lot of classrooms, studies, an Internet-hall and a gymnasium here too. The hostel for students is not far from our college. It takes students three minutes to get to the college.


1. Suggest the Russian for:

faculty of arts; faculty of science; nowadays; both... and; both faculties and departments; primary education; include; psychology; oriental languages; research work; upbringing; full-time department; teaching staff; assistant lecturer; to have a chance; to discuss various themes; to provide accommodation; to rent a floor; double-periods; to present a course paper; scientific adviser; successfully; to teach at school; quite large; ground floor; full of books; dictionaries; it takes students to get to the college.

2. Suggest the English for:

пединститут; Дальний Восток; и факультеты и кафедры; право; аспирантура; ректор; отвечает за; учебная работа; зам.декана; проректор; кроме дневного отделения; заочное отделение; студент-заочник; доцент; старший преподаватель; ассистент; предоставлять общежитие; снимать квартиру; учебный год; семестр; дважды в год; представить курсовую работу; научный руководитель; программа; профессиональная подготовка; актовый зал; спортзал; деканат; доски объявлений; ряд шкафов и полок; студентам требуется 3 минуты, чтобы добраться.

3. Insert prepositions where required:

It takes students some minutes... get... the college. The students... college... Education have a five year course... studies. Our college consists... 11 faculties headed... the deans. The correspondence department is... students who work... the day/ Professors give lectures... large number... students. There is a students’ research society... our college... graduating students get diplomas. They give them... the right to teach... school. There is a number... bookcases full... books and dictionaries... library.

4. Insert the articles where required:

... Teaching staff of... college consists of professors, principal lecturers, senior and assistant lecturers. Some students rent... floor.... Academic year begins in... September. Students get... grants. On... ground floor there is... cloak-room.... Dean’s office of.... faculty is on... second floor. There is... number of bookcases in... library. There are... lots of people in... laboratory. On... walls near... Dean’s office there is... time-table and... lot of... notice-boards. We can see... lot of classrooms and... Internet-hall here too.

5. Put the following sentences into negative and interrogative forms:

1.There were only 2 faculties at the college. 2.There is a post-graduate department at our college. 3.There will be a number of new schools in the town. 4.There was a number of bookshelves in the classroom. 5.On the table there are some dictionaries. 6.Opposite the Dean’s office there is a library. 7.On the walls there are notice-boards.

6. Answer the following questions:

1.How many faculties are there at your college? (11) 2.What is there on the first floor? 3)How many hostels are there near the college? (2) 4.How many Internet-halls are there at the college of Education? (1) 5.Who is at the head of the college? (Rector) 6.What is there on the first floor? (cloak-room) 7.Where is the gym? (on the second floor)

7. Put the following sentences into the Past Indefinite Tense:

1.There are 2 terms in the course of the academic year. 2.There is one faculty at the college. 3.On the second floor there is an assembly-hall. 4.There are some dictionaries on the table. 5.There are many factories in our town. 6.There is a lake near the forest.

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