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Biofertilizers, biopesticides

In addition to GM seeds, the farmers are also looking at biofertilizers, biopesticides to get more benefits. Now the farmers are using formulations based on Bt, viruses like NPV, and GV, as well as neem-based pesticides. To meet the increasing demand, the industry has to scale up investments in biofertilizers and biopesticides. Conservative estimate shows that the 10 percent saving through the use of biofertilizers will result in an annual saving of 1.094 million tons of nitrogenous fertilizers costing around Rs 550 crore.
Looking at the opportunity in biofuel sector, the central government has taken an initiative to promote this sector in a big way. The total consumption of ethanol-blended petrol is expected to be 4.6 million tons per year. This sector not only helps sugarcane farmers, as cane is used as raw material for production of ethanol, but also helps in building up the oil security apart from benefiting the environment. It can save foreign exchange to the tune of Rs 80,000 crore, as India imports about 70 percent of its requirement of crude oil.



Plant Production Biotechnology There is scarcely any aspect of plant production that will not undergo profound changes as a result of the application of biotechnology. Commercial applications of plant genetic engineering have not yet occurred. At the present time, more traditional aspects of biotechnology such as tissue culture have had an important impact, especially in the acceleration of the breeding process for new varieties and in the multiplication of disease-free seed material. Provision of seeds: Plant breeding has been enhanced considerably by in vitro development of improved varieties which are better adapted to a specific environment. The application of tissue culture has several advantages, including rapid reproduction and multiplication, availability of seed material throughout the year etc. Since the application of tissue culture does not require very expensive equipment, this technology can be applied easily in developing countries and can help to improve local varieties of food-crops. For example, using traditional methods for propagating potatoes. Reduced use of agrochemicals: Biotechnology can help reduce the need for agrochemicals which small farmers in developing countries often cannot afford. A reduction in the use of agrochemicals implies fewer residues in the final product. This is expected to enhance the productivity and land fertility as well as reduction in toxic elements in crops. Increased production: Biotechnology can be used in many ways to achieve higher yields; for example by improving flowering capacity and increasing photosynthesis or the intake of nutritive elements. Productivity increases may lead to lower prices¸ which is a vital policy objective in many a developing nation. Improved harvesting: The cloning of plants can help to reduce the work necessary for harvesting. When individual plants show more uniform characteristics, grow at the same speed and ripen at the same time, harvesting will be less laborious. A reduction in the workload is not only an objective in highly industrialized countries, it can also be very important for small farmers in developing countries. Improved storage: Food shortages would not exist in many countries if the problem of post-harvest losses could be solved. In the future, genetic engineering may be used to remove plant components that cause early deterioration of the harvest. For instance, a technique to reduce the presence of a normal tomato enzyme involved in the softening of ripe tomato fruit has been patented and would be found very useful for enhancing the shelf life of crops of various varieties.



Green Biotechnology

Green biotechnology which is more commonly known as Plant Biotechnology is a rapidly expanding field within Modern biotechnology. It basically involves the introduction of foreign genes into economically important plant species, resulting in crop improvement and the production of novel products in plants. Use of environment friendly and cost effective alternatives to industrial chemicals such as bio fuels, bio fertilizers and bio pesticides are not only resulting in enhanced crop output, improvement in health and safety standards, these new products are also leading to less environment pollution and use of green technology. The ever increasing demand of agricultural produce has given new impetus to research in the field and has resulted in great benefits for farmers and users alike. Today plant biotechnology encompasses the following main areas of research and application:

Plant tissue culture:

A technique that allows whole plants to be produced from minute amounts of plant parts like the roots, leaves or stems or even just a single plant cell under laboratory conditions. An advantage of tissue culture is rapid production of clean planting materials. Examples of tissue culture products in Kenya include banana, cassava, Irish potato, pyrethrum and citrus.

Plant genetic engineering:

The selective, deliberate transfer of beneficial gene(s) from one organism to another to create new improved crops, animals or materials. Examples of genetically engineered crops include cotton, maize, sweet potato, soy beans etc.
Plant molecular marker assisted breeding:

A technique that uses molecular markers to select for a particular trait of interest such as yield. A molecular marker is a short sequence of DNA that is tightly linked to the desirable trait (such as disease resistance) that selection for its presence ends up selecting for the desirable trait. E.g. maize that is tolerant to drought and maize streak virus.

Bio fertilizers and bio pesticides:

Increasingly farmers are using bio fertilizers and bio pesticides to reap more benefits and avoid the chemical pesticides having pollutants and ill effects for crops. As per Conservative estimate in India, a 10 percent saving through the use of biofertilizers will result in an annual saving of 1.094 million tons of nitrogenous fertilizers costing around Rs 550 crore.

Increasingly plant scientists exploit the characteristic feature of better yielding ‘hybrids’ in plants. Hybrid vigour, or hetrosis as it is scientifically known, exploits the fact that some offspring from the progeny of a cross between two known parents would be better than the parents themselves. Many hybrid varieties of several crop species are being grown all over the world today. An example of this is the hybrid tomatoes that we eat commonly.



Red Biotechnology works for human health and improving life style by using advancements in technology and innovation.

In medicine, biotechnology has become an integral part in diagnostics, gene therapy, clinical and contract research and trials, bioactive therapeutic, stem cell research, genetic engineering and in the development and production of new drugs for treating various life threatening diseases. Increased use of combination vaccines, such as DPT with Hepatitis B, Hepatitis A and injectable polio vaccine, besides several veterinary and poultry vaccines are examples of biotechnology application in medicinal arena.
Tissue engineering, which deals with tissue implantation following the cultivation of cells on bio-compatible and bio-degradable materials is the new field offering great application for human development and alleviating of human sufferings. Besides the production of artificial skin, tissue-engineering products predominantly service the orthopaedics markets through the supply of cartilage, bone and spinal disc replacements.
Increased application of biotechnology in the areas of cancer research and in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease by discovering mutations and amplifications of a particular gene which induces Parkinson’s disease is a revolution for opening new frontiers in finding better and more effective treatment for the diseases.
Biochips are also developing as important tools in the further development of individualised medicine. Biochips are miniaturised analytical tools that are used in diagnostics. They enable the rapid analysis of a patient’s individual genetic make-up. They accelerate the development of new drugs, enable the early diagnosis of diseases, the adaptation of drug dosage to the patients’ individual requirements and hence the reduction of the number of unwanted side effects

It is also known that certain substances are only effective in some patients because of their particular genetic disposition. Scientific studies have shown that a particular anti-cancer drug is only effective in about 10 percent of all cancer patients. It is possible to genetically determine whether a particular patient belongs to the group of patients for whom the drug is effective. Another study has shown that patients react differently to dosages of anti-depression drugs and beta blockers for keeping hyper tension in check depending upon their metabolism level and genetic disposition. Molecular genetics has shown that it is possible to determine the best possible drug dose or to clarify whether a particular drug is actually effective. It is, of course, also possible to design drugs according to the specific genetic requirements of specific groups of patients. All this leads to tremendous research potential and industrial application for a market which is ever growing.

Needless to say that red biotechnology has great application not only for the growth of the industry but is also useful for a more philanthropic purpose- to use the technology to alleviate human sufferings and enhance the quality of life.


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