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Английский язык

Тема 1. Жизнь современного студента в России и за рубежом. Количество часов: 24 ч. (ауд.)/12 ч. (СРС)

Типы жилья: дом, квартира, общежитие. Жилищные условия. Аренда жилья. Обстановка и помещения в квартире. Хобби. Организация свободного времени. Праздники.


Элементарный уровень A.2.1.

Word Order in a simple sentence Pronouns: personal (we, you, they), possessive (his, her etc.), demonstrative (this, that etc.). There is/there are; have/has got. Tenses: to be in the Present form, Present Simple: affirmative, negative and interrogative forms; Interrogatives: what, why, where, when, how many, etc. Numerals: cardinal and ordinal

Базовый уровень A.2.2

Review of Word Order in a simple sentence. Pronouns: personal (we, you, they), possessive (his, her etc.), demonstrative (this, that etc.). There is/there are; have/has got. Tense s: Present Simple; Present Continuous; Numerals: cardinal and ordinalю Adjectives: position, gradable/ungradable;

Продвинутый уровень B.1.1

Tenses: Revision of Present, Past, Future Simple and Continuous; Articles: a/an; the; -; Adjectives and Adverbs: formation; comparison degrees; irregular forms and compound adjectives; Pronoun s: all types; Passive: Present/Past/Future Simple (transitive and intransitive verbs);


Тема 2. Здоровый образ жизни современного студента. Количество часов: 24 ч. (ауд.)/12 ч. (СРС)

Продукты и здоровое питание. Выбор или заказ еды в столовой, кафе, ресторане. Покупка еды в супермаркете. Национальная кухня и рецепты. Зимние и летние виды спорта и фитнесс. Заболевания, их лечение, визит к врачу и профилактика. Медицинские услуги.


Элементарный уровень A.2.1

Simple adjectives.ю Imperatives. Tenses: Present Simple/Present Continuousю Adverbs of frequency and time; Nouns: singular and plural; countable and uncountable nouns with some and any, much/many; Possessive case; Quantity expressions: a little, a lot of, much, manyю Articles: a/an, the, 0;

Базовый уровень A.2.2

Tenses: Present Simple/Present Continuous; Past Simple; Past Continuous; Used to/would; Comparative s: (regular and irregular) adjectives/adverbs; Articles: with countable and uncountable nouns; Nouns: singular and plural; countable and uncountable nouns with some and any, much/many compound nouns; Quantity expressions: a little, a lot of, much, many. Possessive case (singular/plural nouns). Word formation: (suffixes)

Продвинутый уровень B.1.1

Tense s: Present Simple/Present Continuous. Past Simple/Past Continuous; Prepositions and prepositional phras es; Nouns: countable and uncountable; generic, pair, group, plural singular; possessive and compound; Expressions of purpose, result and contrast; Modals: can, could, would, should, might);

Тема 3. Высшее образование. Количество часов: 24 ч. (ауд.)/12 ч. (СРС)

Предметы. Экзамены. Уровни высшего образования. История и традиции моего ВУЗа (ТПУ). Известные и выдающиеся ученые и выпускники. Квалификации и сертификаты. Образовательные программы, конкурсы, гранты.


Элементарный уровень A.2.1

Comparatives (regular and irregular); order of adjectives; Adjectives: word order. Tenses: Past Simple. Passive Voice: Present/Past Simple. Word formation: prefixes (un-, in-, dis-, im-, il-)

Базовый уровень A.2.2

Tenses: Present and Past Perfect. Adverbs of degree: very, too, rather, etc.Order of adjectives Modals: can, could, must, may, would, might

Phrasal verbs

Продвинутый уровень B.1.1

Tenses: Past Simple/Present Perfect/Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous;Comparative and superlative structures: (as…as, not so (as) …as; more than, less than; the most …, the least etc.);

Modals: obligations (must, have to, should, ought to, needn’t have, didn’t need to), certainty and uncertainty (may, might, could, be bound to), ability (can, be able to, could, must and can’t); Passive Voice: review

Тема 4. Путешествие и туризм. Количество часов: 24 ч. (ауд.)/12 ч. (СРС)

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