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Business documents. Minutes - summary of what is said and decided at a meeting


Minutes - протокол

Minutes - Summary of what is said and decided at a meeting

Minutes are taken at staff meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors. The layout of the minutes in English-speaking countries is similar to the layout of the minutes in Russia. The compulsory elements of any minutes are:


Present Присутствовали


Apologies Отсутствовали

AOB (Any other business) Прочее

Topics discussed Предмет обсуждения

Date of the next meeting Предлагаемая дата проведения следующего собрания


Here your have the minutes of one of the staff meetings at Dynateam Innovations.


Minutes   Present: Mr. Bill Bently (Chairman), Mr. John Boden, mr. Paul Lucas, Mrs. Stella MacNeil, Ms. Patricia Scott (secretary). Apologies: None AOB: No business remained from the last meeting.   In-company training After some discussion, it was agreed to develop a four-week training program for newly recruited employees. The program should encompass the following fields: Aggressive marketing strategies Brand loyalty development Eastern European tax regulations The program should get started no later than October 1, 20­ Mrs. Stella MacNeil will be responsible for the implemen­tation of the program.   Proposer: Mr. Bill Bently Carried unanimously.   Date of next meeting: The next meeting will be held on September 30, 20-.



Enlarge your business vocabulary


Carried unanimously Принято единогласно

Compulsory Обязательный

Layout Планировка, композиция

Proposer Человек, внесший предложе­ние

Secretary Секретарь

Тах regulations Налоговое законодательство




Job-hopper - а person who changes jobs very often.

е. g. Our company's policy is not to give jobs to job-hoppers


In the top job - while being а top manager

е. g. Не has done а lot with his company in barely two years in the top job.

Organorgam - graphic representation of а company's structure е. g. Look at the organogram of DGtal Incorporated.

Pawn - а person of no importance

е. g. We are just the pawns of the big company.

Sweat-shop - workplace where employees work long hours for low pay

е. g. I am not going to work in this sweat-shop any longer.

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