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Train Travel in Ukraine

Read and memorize the following words, words combinations and word-groups:

accommodation - розміщення
carriage – перевезення

to vary – змінювати

berth – полиця

acceptable – прийнятний

wash-stand – умивальник

luggage – багаж

unfolding table – стіл, який розкладається

niches – ніші


1. Train travel in Ukraine is relatively cheap and trains leave Kiev for basically every corner of Ukraine on a daily basis. We also offer transfers to Kiev's main railway station from either the airport or from your place of accommodation.

2. Express Trains are the best trains usually going overnight between big regional centers of the country. They usually have the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd class carriages. Express train numbers vary from route 001 to 149.

3. Passenger Trains are slow trains making numerous stopovers. Traveling might take up to 30 hours for long-distance routes. As a rule, these trains have 2nd, 3rd and 4th class carriages. Passenger train numbers vary from route 171 to 699.

4. Carriages' classification in Ukraine differs from European standards.
There are 5 types of carriages on the trains in Ukraine: SW (sleeping wagon), coupe, platzcart, common wagon (with numbered reserved seats), sit up (on suburban trains). For convenience we have put classification - the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd and the 4th class.

5. The best type of carriages in Ukraine is 1st Class Sleeper. Every carriage has 9 cabins, 2 berths in each cabin. There are two models of 1st class cabins:

- with horizontal berths (two berths on the same level);

- with vertical berths (one berth is above another, those cabins usually have a wash-stand under unfolding table lid).

Each carriage has WCs with wash-stands, 2 per each carriage. 1st class cabins are air-conditioned at the summer time. One or two stewards serve every carriage.

6. The 2nd class is usually quite acceptable type of carriages. The quality depends on a train. Each carriage has 9 cabins, each cabin has 4 berths - 2 lower and 2 upper ones. There are boxes for luggage below lower berths.

7. The 2nd class cabins in Express trains are usually air-conditioned but not always. Each carriage has WCs with washing-stands, 2 per each carriage. One or two stewards serve every carriage.

8. The 3rd Class Sleeper. Not the best choice. Each carriage has 54 berths, among which 36 berths of normal type (in cabins) and 18 side located (along the passageway). Berths are in two levels.

9. Cabins have no doors and cannot be closed. There are boxes for luggage below lower level berths in cabins, and small luggage niches below side located ones. Under the upper level berths there are small berths for storing the luggage. Each carriage has WCs with washing-stands, 2 per each carriage. In spite of very low quality of 3rd class carriages they are popular in Ukraine, the reason is their very low tickets price.

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