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Transportation in Saint Petersburg


Metro system in Saint Petersburg is the deepest in the world – and this is the only well known fact about Saint Petersburg metro. It could not be designed other way in the town where 10% of the territory is water covered. Besides it is the first metro where a lot of stations were built as horizontal lifts – platform and train are separated with the wall, and doors are opening only upon train’s full stop by the platform. The history saves the story, that it was in the mid of 19th century when Alexander the 2d got a note from one of the engineers offering to built a ‘tunnel transport’ in Saint Petersburg. But it took almost 1 and half century for the technical progress to design and construct Leningrad Metro – deepest in the world

But what does it mean, travelling deep underground? Nothing special, but you should remember that it will take you longer than anywhere to descend down to the platform. And stay on the right side of escalator either descending or ascending, as it will save your ribs and nerves from punches of some speedy dudes running up or down the escalator. Also make sure your bags or luggage is not blocking the left side of the escalator. St. Petes metro counts quite a few stations, much less than Moscow metro, and central ones are always busy. Centrally located stops are even busier in mornings and afternoons, when office hours are done. Try to avoid entering central metro stations between 5.30 – 7.00 pm in the work days; otherwise you can get stuck in people traffic jam, or, what the locals call it, ‘penguin pacing’ – the crowd is stepping from foot to foot just like penguins. One more piece of generous advice: don’t try to speak to the uniform people in English or any other foreign language. If you have a question ask a passerby, as it is bigger chance you will be heard. And you don’t need to stand in a long line to get your travel token, each station has orange or blue slot machines where you can get the token, 50 rubles cash only, and it saves you a lot of time.

Now let’s quickly look at some stations and lines for more tips.

1st line or Red line – is the eldest. All the stations are heavily decorated and remind of Moscow Metro very much. Don’t miss Avtovo Station with fabulous columns made of crafted glass, and Ploschad Lenina Station where is the longest escalator in the world. When you are at Mayakovskaya Station pay attention to the huge mosaic picture there, stare a bit longer than a quick glance, and you will see the face of Stalin behind it.

2d line or Blue line is the longest of all. Tekhnologicheskiy Institute Station has 4 entrances and exists and it is connection point with Red Line. Be very attentive as the platforms appear on different side of the couch depending which line you are moving along.

3d line or Green Line ends up at Vasilievskiy Island. When you are disembarking at Vasileostrovskaya Station form the first or the last couch make sure you are standing before the middle doors, the fist door and the last doors of the train are blocked.

4th line or Yellow Line and the 5th or Purple Line are new transportations. All stations are high ceiling and with cutting edge design. The newest is Admiralteiskaya Station, open in 2011, December 2.


Unit 4

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