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Movement Definitions

Each of the movements of the muscles for the various parts of the body is described by various terms.

• Abductor - moves a limb away from the midline

• Adductor - moves a limb towards the midline

• Extensor - increase the angle at a joint - extends a limb

• Flexor - decreases the angle at a joint - flexes a limb

• Pronator - turns a limb to face downwards

• Supinator - turns a limb to face upwards

• Rotator - rotates a limb

• Sphincter - closes an orifice of opening

Figure 3. Types of Muscles

2. True or false statements. Make true with "T", false with "F". Correct the false statements.

1. _______ Muscle is the contractile tissue of the body.

2. _______ There are four types of the muscles.

3. _______ The cause of this "stripy" appearance is the bands of actin and myosin which form the sarcoplasm.

4. _______ Skeletal muscles are also sometimes called involuntary muscles.

5. _______ Skeletal muscles also have the ability to stretch or contract.

6. _______ Different fibre types vary in colour depending on their myoglobin (an hydrogen carrying protein) content.

7. _______ Smooth muscle is also sometimes known as voluntary muscle.

8. _______ Smooth muscle is found in the bones of the skeleton.

9. _______ Cardiac muscle is found solely in the walls of the liver.

10. _______ The epimysium protects the muscle from friction against other muscles and bones.

11. _______ Muscle fibres can range from 10 to 15 micrometers in diameter.

12. _______ Abductor - moves a limb towards the midline.


3. Here are the answers to some questions from the text. What are the questions?

1. It is the contractile tissue of the body.

2. They contain contractile filaments that move past each other and change the size of the cell.

3. No, there aren't. There are not four types of the muscles. There are three types of the muscles.

4. They are also sometimes known as striated muscles due to their appearance.

5. It can vary to produce powerful, fast movements or small precision actions.

6. It is an oxygen carrying protein.

7. It is stimulated by involuntary neurogenic impulses.

8. It is covered in a layer of connective tissue known as the epimysium.

9. They may be up to 35 cm long.

10. It is the ability to respond to stimuli.

11. It turns a limb to face downwards.

12. It rotates a limb.


3. What do the following numbers refer to?

10, 80, 35, 3


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