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1. to govern 2. mayor-council system 3. current mayor 4. to host 5. county 6. States Census 7. populous 8. nicknamed 9. substantial 10. trade 11. entertainment 12. influential 13. to cover 14. centerpiece 15. prestigious 16. ranked

Boston is the capital and the largest city in Massachusetts, and is one of the oldest cities in the United States. The largest city in New England, Boston is regarded as the unofficial "Capital of New England" for its economic and cultural impact on the entire New England region. Boston is also the anchor of a substantially larger metropolitan area called Greater Boston. During the late 18th century, Boston was the location of several major events during the American Revolution. The city was the site of several firsts, including America's first public school, Boston Latin School (1635), and the first subway system in the United States (1897). With many colleges and universities within the city and surrounding area, Boston is an international center of higher education and a center for medicine. The city's economic base includes research, manufacturing, finance, and biotechnology.

Boston is sometimes called a "city of neighborhoods" because of different subsections. There are 21 official neighborhoods in Boston used by the city. For example Chinatown, Jamaica Plain, South Boston, South End, West End.

Boston is also one of the birthplaces of the hardcore punk genre of music. Because of the city's prominent role in the American Revolution, several historic sites are found hear. The city is also home to several prominent art museums, including the Museum of Fine Arts and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.

Boston has teams in the four major North American professional sports leagues, and has won 33 championships in these leagues, as of 2011.

Boston has the reputation as a higher education center. There are more than 100 colleges and universities located in the Greater Boston Area, with more than 250,000 students attending college in Boston and Cambridge alone.

Many of Boston's medical facilities are associated with universities. The facilities are well-known research medical centers affiliated with Harvard Medical School. (1646 знаков)



1. affiliate - присоединять

2. anchor – якорь

3. area – сфера, область

4. associate– соединять, ассоциироваться, общаться

5. attend – посещать, присутствовать

6. birthplace – месторожденияt

7. championship – первенство, чемпионат

8. cultural impact – культурное влияние

9. different – разный, отличный

10. entire – полный

11. event - событие

12. finance – финансы

13. hardcore punk –ужасный панк

14. manufacturing – производство

15. metropolitan – столичный

16. neighborhoods – окрестности

17. prominent role – выдающаяся роль

18. regard – считать, рассматривать

19. research – научное исследование

20. several – особый, несколько

21. site – место, местонахождение

22. substantially – существеннo

23. subway system – подземная система, метрополитен

24. surrounding area – окружение, окрестности

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