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Упражнение 78

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

... young man attempted to rob... store near my... office. He bought... bag of... potato chips, and while... clerk was making... change, he attempted to grab... money from... cash register. When... clerk quickly closed... drawer,... man tried to take... cash register but it was so heavy, he couldn't lift




it. He got angry. There was... rack full of... ciga­rettes in... corner of... store. He decided to grab... cigarettes but... clerk stopped him.

... man drove away empty-handed, but was spot­ted by... police for driving... stolen car.... police pursued him with... lights flashing and... sirens blaring. He was soon arrested and charged with... possession of... stolen vehicle, careless and reckless driving and speeding. His... fine was set at $2,000.

While being escorted,... man asked if he could stop near... store and get his... potato chips, since he had paid for them.... clerk at... store identified him as... man who tried to steal... cash register, and he was charged with... attempted robbery. His... fine was increased to $15,000; he sits in... jail awaiting... trial.

what... kind of... property he had. He learned about it from... conversation with Lickcheese, Sar­torius' rent collector. It turned out that Sartorius was... owner of some tenements in the London slums, and that all... property he had was built by getting... money out of... poor people who lived there. Trench was greatly shocked. He did not want to take... money from Blanche's father. But Blanche said she could not live on... small income Trench had. They had... quarrel, and Trench left... house. After some time Trench learned that... land on which Sartorius' houses were built belonged to Trench's aunt and that he himself was living on... money got in... same way. Everything comes out "all right" in... end: Trench marries Blanche and becomes... partner in Sartorius' business. The au­thor shows that in... fact Trench is no better than Sartorius, Lickcheese and the like.


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