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Степени конкуренции

1. Competition (конкуренция) – the vying among businesses in a particular market or industry to best satisfy consumer demands and earn profits.

2. Perfect competition (совершенная конкуренция) - occurs in an industry when that industry is made up of many small firms producing homogeneous products, information is perfect, and there is no impediment to entry or exit.

3. Monopoly (монополия) – a market or industry with only one producer, who can set the price of its product and/or resources.

4. Bilateral monopoly (двусторонняя монополия) – market structure in which there is monopoly power on both the buyer’s and the seller’s side of the market.

5. Monopolistic competition(монополистическая конкуренция) - refers to a market in which products are heterogeneous but which is otherwise the same as a market that is perfectly competitive.

6. Pure monopoly (чистая монополия) - is an industry in which there is only one supplier of a product for which there are no close substitutes and in which, because of scale economies, it is very hard or impossible for another firm to coexist.

7. Natural monopoly (естественная монополия) - an industry in which advantages of large-scale production make it possible for a single firm to produce the entire output of the market at lower average cost than a number of firms each producing a smaller quantity.

8. Oligopoly (олигополия) - a market dominated by a few sellers at least several of which are large enough relative to the total market to be able to influence the market price.

9. Differentiated oligopoly (дифференцированная олигополия) – oligopoly in which each firm produces a product, that is somewhat different from that produced by the other firms. Also called imperfect oligopoly.

10. Monopsony (монопсония) - refers to a market situation in which there is only one buyer.

11. Barrier to competition (препятствие к конкуренции) – any circumstance that makes it difficult for a new firm to enter an industry. Examples are the exclusive ownership of a unique resource, economies of scale, and government sanctioned protection in the form of patents, licenses, copyrights, and franchises.

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