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COMMENTS. Central Intelligence Agency – Центральное разведывательное управление


Central Intelligence Agency – Центральное разведывательное управление


Ex. 1. Give the Russian equivalents for:

An extensive advisory system, the President's cabinet, a source of information and advice, the heads of the governmental departments, Central Intelligence Agency, ambassador to the United Nations (UN), all legislative powers are exercised by the Congress, the House of Representatives, a provision of the Constitution, on the basis of the population, one-third of the senators, extensive powers in domestic affairs, borrow money, pay debts, coin money, regulate value, regulate commerce among the states, determine the jurisdiction of federal courts, to declare war, to raise and maintain the armed forces, to establish tariffs, to regulate commerce with foreign nations.

Ex. 2. Complete the following sentences:

1. An extensive advisory system …

2. The President's cabinet also serves as …

3. It consists of …

4. The cabinet has …

5. All legislative powers granted by the Constitution in Article 1 …

6. Congress consists of two houses, …

7. The 435 members of the Hou­se are elected by…

8. Congress has extensive powers in …

9. Congress helps to …

10. Congress has the power to …

11. The legislative branch also includes …


Ex.3 Say what statements are true or false according to the text. Find the part of the text that gives the correct information:


1. An extensive advisory system serves the Congress.

2. The president's Cabinet has no power of its own.

3. The law-making body of the USA government is called the Congress.

4. The Congress consists of two chambers.

5. The Senate contains 150 senators, three representing each state.

6. Congress has extensive powers in domestic affairs, including the power to tax, borrow money and pay debts, coin money and regulate commerce among the states.

7. Besides others the executive branch includes the Library of Congress.

Ex.4 Find in both texts and decide from the context what the word could mean, then choose the appropriate definition:1 office

a) room used as a place for business;

b) buildings of a government department;

c) public position of authority

2) seat

a) something for sitting on

b) a place where something is located or based;

c) a parliamentary constituency;

d) membership on a legislative authority


a) the time or period, usually fixed;

b) a word defining something in a particular field;

c) pl. conditions and stipulations;

d) pl.. words expressed in a specified way


a) a building in which people live;

b) a legislative or deliberative body;

c) a building for any purpose


Ex.5 Answer the following questions:

1. An extensive advisory system serves the president, doesn’t it?

2. What doesthe President's cabinet also serve as?

3. What doesthe President's cabinet consist of?

4. Does the cabinet have the power of its own?

5. All legislative powers granted by the Constitution in Article 1 are exercised by the Senate of the United States, aren’t they?

6. What doesCongress consist of?

7. What extensive powers does Congress have?

8. The legislative branch also includes agencies such as the Con­gressional Budget Office, the General Accounting Office, the Library of Congress, and the Government Printing Office, doesn’t it?


Ex.6 Translate into English:

1. Обширная консультативная система служит президенту.

2. Президентский кабинет является источником информации, но не имеет собственных полномочий.

3. Вся законодательная власть, предоставляемая статьей 1 Конституции, осуществляется Конгрессом США.

4. Конгресс состоит из двух палат: Сената и Палаты представителей.

5. Сенат состоит из 100 сенаторов, по 2 сенатора от каждого штата.

6. 435 членов Палаты представителей избираются штатами на основе своего населения по результатам последней переписи.

7. Конгресс имеет огромные (обширные) полномочия во внутренних делах, включая полномочия облагать налогом, брать кредиты и платить долги, чеканить монеты, регулировать торговлю между штатами.

8. Конгресс не имеет права объявлять войну, формировать и содержать вооруженные силы, регулировать торговлю между иностранными государствами.


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