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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Задание 28

Откройте скобки

1. Mary (to speak) _______to me when her little brother (to throw) ______her bag out of the window.

2. A few days later while he (to have) _________tea, the postman (to bring) _______him a letter from his friend.

3. As soon as I (to see) _____him, I (to understand) _____________that he (to work) _______hard. He (to write) _______something and (not to notice) __________anything.

4. When you friend (to return) _______from the south? She (to return) ______yesterday. You (to go) _____to the station to meet her? No, I (to do) __________, I (to be) _________busy.

5. As soon as I (to hear) ___________a cry, I (to run) _________out of the room and (to see) __________that a child (to lie) _______on the ground and (to cry) ___________- What (to happen) ___________? –Why you (to cry) __________? –You (to hurt) _________ yourself? I asked.

6. Della (to hurry) _________from shop to shop looking for a present for Jim.

7. The other day my sister and I (to go) __________shopping together. We (to enter) __________a big shop in Arbat street. While my sister (to choose) ____________a new hat, I (to look for) ____________a pair of gloves.

8. The moment he (to hear) ___________ the news, Jim (to call) __________ me by telephone.

9. Just as I (to leave) _______for home, a student (to stop) _________me in the hall.

10. When I last (to see) ________her she (to hurry) __________along the road to the station. I (to ask) _________her where she (to go) ___________ and she (to say) ________London, but I don’t think she (to tell) _______ the truth because there (not to be) __________any train to London at that time.

Настоящее, совершённое и прошедшее неопределённое время

Контрольная работа 14

Вариант 1.

1. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в настоящем совершённом или прошедшем неопределённом времени.

1. … (You / go) on holidays last year?

2. Yes, I … (go) to Spain.

3. … (you / ever / be) there?

4. I … (not / finish) my homework yet.

5. We … (not / see) him since he … (leave) school.

6. We … (go) to bed early last night because we … (be) tired.


2. Вставьте вместо точек fore или since.

1. I’ve know John … we were at school.

2. I’ve wore contract lenses … five years.

3. We’ve lived un France … over ten years now.

4. I’ve been here … 5 o’clock.

5. I’ve had this dress … Christmas.



3. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.

1. I like reading books. What …?

2. I’ve got two dogs and a cat. How many …?

3. I visited Paris last year. Did … or London?

4. I’ve got an expressive car. What …?

5. I bought this umbrella on Monday. When …?



Вариант 2.

1. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в настоящем совершённом или прошедшем неопределённом времени.

1. Kevin … (lose) his key. He … (leave) it on the bus yesterday.

2. I … (not play) tennis since I … (be) at school.

3. I think our teacher … (forget) about the test! He … (not say) anything about it in the last lesson!

4. Sarah … (break) her leg. She … (fall) off a horse last week.

5. I … (finish) decorating my room. I … (paint) it last week and I … (put) the new curtains last night.

6. Tom … (see) this film twice.



2. Вставьте вместо точек fore или since.

1. I’ve been in Asia … seven years.

2. I’ve worked at school … 1993.

3. I’ve known Tom … five years.

4. I’ve been to America … July, 1989.

5. I’ve not seen you … a long time.


3. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.

1. John came late last night. Who …?

2. Fish live in water. Where…?

3. I’ve go sent her some flowers. What …?

4. We bought some fruit and cakes for the party. Why…?

5. I newer get up early. What time …?


Test 4

1. He (watch) TV now.

2. He (prepare) lessons regularly.

3. He (too be) at home in this time.

4. They (buy) tickets to Moscow (already).

5. Look, now he (make) a mistake.

6. She (to be) always late for her lessons.

7. Have you (buy) the dictionary?

8. She (play) the piano well.

9. She (play) the guitar?

10. She not (play) the guitar?

11. She (play) the piano now.

12. She (play) the piano already.

13. My daughter often (look) at these pictures.

14. My grandfather (work) in the garden now.

15. I know you (sing) very well.

16. Listen, somebody (sing) in the next room.

17. I (read not) this article yet.

18. You friend (study) at music school.

19. She often (make) mistakes in English.

20. He (make) 3 mistakes in English.

21. – What is he doing? – He (speak) over the phone.

22. My mother (cook) dinner I your family?

23. My mother (cook) a cake in the kitchen.

24. – Let’s bye a box of chocolates. – I (bye) it (already).

25. My mother (work) at the hospital.

26. My child (sleep) twice a day.

27. They (not go) to the south in summer.

28. They (prefer) to rest in the country.



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