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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


АрхитектураАстрономияБиологияГеографияГеологияИнформатикаИскусствоИсторияКулинарияКультураМаркетингМатематикаМедицинаМенеджментОхрана трудаПравоПроизводствоПсихологияРелигияСоциологияСпортТехникаФизикаФилософияХимияЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника


Ex 120. Insert some or any where necessary.
1. My teacher lives... distance away from the school. 2. You should buy... new clothes for the New Year, I think. 3. Ruth still has... doubts about her marriage, but her boyfriend John hasn't got any. 4. Mum was sure we had... honey left. At breakfast it turned out we didn't have.... 5. — Has there been... discussion of the project? — Yes,... people are against it, I'm sorry to say. 6. There must be... way to get in touch with them, but so far I haven't found.... 7. — Is there... reliable source of information you'll use in your investigation, inspector? — I definitely have..., though I am not going to reveal... to you, sir. 8.... people hate seafood. 9. Let's talk about it... other time. 10. There aren't... markets on Monday. 11. — There is... dust on the furniture. — Oh, I haven't got... time for this. 12. — Do you speak... French? — No, but I speak... English.

Ex. 123. Insert some or any where necessary.
1. Irene's parents are... doctors. 2.... doctors, like dentists, frighten me. 3. Could you lend me... money? 4.... money is very important in this life. 5.... cars parked in this area will be removed by the police. 6. If you have... old books that you don't need any longer, could you bring them to our library. 7. This car hardly uses... petrol. 8. Would you like... brandy? 9. My mother bakes cakes with... brandy in them. 10. Do you like... olives? 11. Are there... olives left? 12. Mushrooms should be gathered with care as... can be very poisonous. 13. You'll like this new chocolate. Shall I save... for you? 14.... of his paintings would sell for big money today. 15. Do you ever read... papers? 16. He hardly ever reads... papers. 17.... papers are really boring.

Ex. 125. Use some-, any-, every-, no- + one I body I thing I where.
1. Never trust... with such manners. 2. Let me see if there is... we can do for you. 3. Is there... at home? 4. If... happens to the car, how shall I get to the country? 5. There should be... behind all this. 6. Barbara was a teacher from... near Newcastle. 7. Emily refuses to have... to do with Jim. 8. Shall I bring you... to drink? 9. Nobody can find out... about that man. 10. Yesterday we couldn't find you.... Where were you? 11. Hardly... knew how to respond to this. 12. Many people think that the bad weather has... to do with all the satellites in space. 13. You're wrong. There's... strange about the man. He is a decent chap. 14. — What's the matter? —... is the matter. 15. We looked for a policeman, but there was... around. 16. — Do you have any clue to this? —... whatsoever. 17.1 answered every single question. My opponent answered.... 18.... of us understood the play. 19. Mind, I'm having... of that language here! 20. Don't be so nosy! It's... of your business. 21.... comes to those who hustle while he waits. (Thomas A.Edison) 22.... should believe in.... 23. Kindness, I've discovered, is.... 24. Considering how dangerous... is,... is really very frightening. (Gertrude Stein)

Ex. 131. Insert every or each
1.... morning my Mom left lists a mile long for... of us, there was so much work to do about the house. 2. Opening my bag I took out two envelopes with Dad printed across their fronts in childlike letters. Handing them to Andrew, I said, "Lissa and Jamie have... written you a card."3. She had a present for... child. 4. We... have our private views about it. 5.1 loved... minute of it. 6. They were all just sitting there,... of them thinking private thoughts. 7. Rosie changed the subject... time it was raised. 8. She offered us a tin of biscuits and my sister and I had one.... 9. The government changes... five years. 10.1 had only two suitcases, but... weighed over twenty kilos. 11. She has... chance of success in the life she has chosen. 12. We only save enough money to take a real vacation... other year. 13. We saw three young elephants,... the size of a car. 14.... of you should sign the register before you leave. 15.... child should be educated. It's a must. 16. He inspected... of the cars which were in the garage. 17. We have... completed our work.

Ex. 132. Translate into English
1.Мы встречаемся с друзьями каждый Новый год. 2. Каждого студента экзаменуют два раза в год. 3. Каждой девушке хочется выйти замуж. У каждой свой идеал. 4. Они ждут гостей с минуты на минуту. 5. Каждого солдата похвалили за храбрость, и каждому дали медаль. 6. Двое из них не пришли на встречу, у каждого была серьезная причина. 7. Каждый член команды должен пройти медицинский осмотр перед каждым матчем. 8. У каждого из нас свои привычки. 9. Не каждая женщина может стать судьей. 10. В этой семье у каждого своя машина. 11. Эти журналы стоят пятьдесят рублей каждый. 12. Он до мозга костей поэт. 13. Он бреется каждый третий день. 14. У нас две комнаты, каждая с балконом. 15. Каждая из книг была помечена. 16. Я очень многому научился у каждого из вас.
Ex. 133. Insert either or neither
1.1 was expecting you... today or tomorrow. 2. He spoke... English nor French. 3. — Which one do you want? —I don't want.... 4. We can meet... at six or at seven. 5. Nelly has two friends.... is in town now. 6. The weather is... cold nor warm today. 7. Doctor, you are not being... frank or fair. 8. — Which one do you want? — I don't want.... 9. There was no sound from... of the flats. 10. She... drinks, smokes, nor eats meat. 11. In... case the answer is the same. 12. They may be... here or there.

Ex. 135. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the words in bold type.
1. She was now listening to whoever it was on the other end of the line. 2. And now let's go in and join the others. 3. However, there were other matters fpr us grown-ups to consider. 4. All European languages belong to the same family except for Finnish, Hungarian, Basque and one or two others. 5. Bees carry pollen from one plant to another. 6. The boxers went on hitting each other. 7. Some books are useful to read, others are just a waste of time. 8. He produced two films. One became a classic, the other passed unnoticed. 9. My Dad says he needs another car. 10. Some people are bitterly frustrated when this happens. Others are not. 11. One man's meat is another man's poison. 12. I've got another three books to read. 13. On the one hand it is true, on the other not quite. 14. In 1900 the Uffizi gallery in Florence had 2,395 paintings on display. Today it shows just 500. The others are locked away, almost never seen.
Ex. 136. Translate into English.
1. Мы встречались на днях. Мы давно не видели друг друга. 2. Это, так сказать, оборотная сторона медали. 3. В моей группе было двенадцать студентов. Четверо были иностранцы, остальные москвичи. 4. У них две дочери. Одной семь лет, другой пять. 5. Одни блюда легко готовить, другие нет. 6. Мы неправильно друг друга поняли. Дайте мне еще один шанс. 7. У нас два балкона. Один выходит на юг, другой на восток. 8. Мы изучаем много предметов. Одни нам интересны, другие нет. 9. Закрой один глаз, потом другой. 10. Девочка шла в школу в первый раз в первый класс. В одной руке у нее был портфель, а в другой букет цветов. 11. Некоторые люди нравятся нам, другие нет. 12. — У меня два зонтика. Один красный, а другой черный. — Да, некоторые люди любят яркие цвета, другие темные. 13. Люди не решались смотреть друг на друга. 14. Мне нужно еще раз взглянуть на эту картину. 15. Какие еще сведения вы нам принесли? 16. Дело провалилось, потому что партнеры не доверяли друг другу. 17. Люди должны помогать и доверять друг другу. 18. Но если меня обидят, то я не стану подставлять другую щеку. 19. Извини, но не было Другого способа сделать это. 20. Я подожду, пока вернутся остальные. 21. С одной стороны, это хороший шанс, а с другой стороны, это опасно.
Ex. 143. Insert (a) few, (a) little.
1. Wait, I'll pick... roses for you from my garden. 2.... people could resist such a temptation. 3. The patient has made... progress in the last couple of weeks. 4. There is... progress in the business. We must take some measures to improve it. 5. — Could you give me... information on the trip? — There is... I can tell you, sir. It's out of the list. 6. Paul put... coins in the slot, thought..., and then dialed the number. 7. Let's go to the market and buy... fruit and... carrots. 8. There is... furniture in our country house. We need to buy... more things. 9. I'm still hungry. I think I'll have... more fish. 10. When I was a child, we kept... pigeons in our back yard. 11. If I accept that job, I'll make... more money. 12. There are... cars on the road today. It's Sunday. 13. Many questions were asked, but... were answered. 14. Wait..., there are still... things to attend to. 15. Even now there is... we can do to improve the weather.
Ex. 144. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the words in bold type.
1. The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them: a man may live long, yet get little from life. 2. She was a woman of great charisma, and few could resist the force of her compelling personality. 3. It is best to listen much, speak little, and not become angry. 4. Less is more. 5. Those fighter pilots, not much older than twenty, had defended England in the skies in 1940 and had been known as "The Few". 6. "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few," W. Churchill had said in his speech in the House of Commons. 7. She believed that the less people knew about you, the safer you were, for if they knew nothing, they could do you no harm. 8. But few things came as a surprise to Emma anymore. 9. Few doctors doubt now the importance of a diet. 10. If you are more careful, you will make fewer stupid mistakes. 11. She knew now that men like him were among the very few. 12. There are a few matters to attend to. 13. Try to persuade her to eat a little.
Ex, 145. Translate into English
1. У нас осталось мало бананов. Нужно купить немного. 2. — Не мог бы ты одолжить мне немного денег? — Извини, но у меня самого мало денег. 3. Почему так мало людей понимает меня? А мне так нужно немного понимания. 4. Признаюсь, я немного шокирована. 5. В баке слишком мало бензина, его хватит только на несколько километров. 6. Ты слишком бледная, тебе нужно немного косметики. 7. Мало кто знает про этот ресторанчик, но мы тут уже были несколько раз. 8. Хотя у меня и мало опыта в этом деле, все-таки я могу ответить на несколько твоих вопросов. 9. В течение всей зимы у нас так мало солнечного света, всего лишь несколько солнечных дней. 10. Осталось мало надежды, никаких признаков корабля. 11. Еще немного терпения, и те несколько вопросов, которые мы должны обсудить, будут решены. 12. Чтобы избежать недомогания, ешьте меньше; чтобы продлить жизнь, волнуйтесь меньше. 13. Власть в этой банановой республике находится в руках немногих.

Ex. 148. Insert a lot (of), lots of, plenty of, much, many, a great deal of.
1.1 wish you all... good luck. 2. Is there... oil in the Caspian sea? 3. We bought... food for the barbecue. 4. Do you have... homework to do for Saturday? 5. — How... exams did you have to take? — Quite.... 6. My sister drinks too... coffee. 7. He is so fat because he eats too... sandwiches. 8. These days people get... information from (the) Internet. 9. — Oh, Mother, I love him so.... — I think you love him too.... 10.... and... refugees came to Spain * and Italy. 11. There are... daffodils in England in spring.; 12. The earthquake caused... damage to the country. 13.... of the exhibition was devoted to his later works. 14. It was a big house with... windows. 15. — Feeling a bit better? —..., Doctor.... better. 16. That's happened... a time to me. 17. The information proved useful to... people. 18.... happy returns of the day! 19. Thank you very.... 20. She doesn't talk about her life.... 21. Now I feel... more confident. 22. It is... less likely. 23. We've got... time. 25. There are always... jobs to be done. 26. Take as... money as you need.
Ex. 151. Use all (all of) or both (both of).
1. The defendants were proved guilty. 2. They were unnaturally silent. 3. They live together in the same house. 4. These are problems of no importance. 5. He and Edith agreed to come. 6. Nick and Nelly would be cross with you if you don't come. 7. The children in the senior group can look after themselves. 8. Father and me can understand your feelings, Martin. 9. We are Indo-Europeans. 10. Her parents are teachers. 11. He got angry with them. 12. We were young, Tom and me. 13. She is fond of you. 14. The prospects excited and worried me.
Ex. 153. Insert each other, one another.
1. They can't help themselves, they love.... 2. The place is full of crazy people who talk to... all the time and ignore everybody else. 3. They have known... for years and years. 4. The members of this club meet regularly in...'s homes. 5. She and John looked at.... 6. He began opening bottles,... after.... 7. We know..."s minds very well. 8. All the children kept silent. They didn't dare to look at.... 9. She found... excuse after... to postpone the meeting. 10. We'll get there... way or.... 11. He ate... sweet after... till the box was empty. 12. They hate being apart. They phone... every day. 13. The business failed because the partners distrusted....
Ex 154. Read and translate the sentences Comment on the pronouns in bold type.
1. — What dress are you going to wear for the dance today? — The one which I bought in Paris. 2. The old man who(m) you met in the park was my uncle. 3. I do not like people who talk about themselves all the time. 4. Is it the car that used to belong to your father? 5. She is the biggest liar that I know. 6.1 need a place where I can work undisturbed. 7. Where is the man who asked for me? 8. We always look forward to Mother's cake, which she makes the size of a wheel. 9. We can't believe that it's true. 10.1 don't know what you have promised to the children. 11. We didn't know that you had promised Mike a new bicycle. 12. Nora didn't buy anything because she didn't see what she wanted. 13. What day suits you best? 14. Pizza sounds like just what I want.
Ex. 155. Insert that or what.
1.... shall we do next? —... is the question. 2. We all know... you are! —... is no secret. 3. A shopaholic!... is... you are! 4. Is......really occurred? 5. Don't you know... he always does... he wants? 6. You just don't realize... you are talking about and... is very sad. 7.... embarrassed me is... none of them ever thought of their mother. 8. Mother is absolutely sure......you've chosen as your future career is not... you really should do. 9. We greatly doubt......you say is true. 10. Is......you really mean? 11. — Money is... I need. — Everybody says... they need it. 12. Nobody knows... will happen in future. 13. Can anyone tell me... his phone number is? 14.1 fully believe... she is telling the truth. 15. Just tell me... you want and I'll get it.
Ex. 156. Insert the necessary pronouns.
1.... actor must learn his words by heart. 2.... actor has a different method of learning his lines. 3. Both books are good. You can have... of them. 4. I've got a few friends but... lives nearby. 5. There are shops on... sides of the road. 6.... professional musician has to practise regularly. 7. He painted several pictures in Italy but... of them has been found. 8. The Headmistress spoke to... child in the class individually. 9. Before you leave the coach, please make sure that you have... your belongings with you. 10.... my parents are still working. 11.... of my parents has ever been abroad. 12.1 had the choice of two jobs but... of them really suited me. 13. We looked in the library and in the canteen but there was no sign of Caroline in... place. 14. Ben and Sharon looked at...carefully.... had changed a lot. 15.... book on the shelf was a detective story.... of the books was by Agatha Christie. I looked at them but... appeared very interesting. 16. Christmas is a holiday that appeals to the child in... of us.


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