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Rand Research and Development Corporation 2 page

In 1950 four Scottish Nationalists removed the Stone from Westminster Abbey; took it back to Scotland and a fake stone made of Perthshire sandstone was later placed at Arbroath and from there it was taken to London. It was this same fake stone that Elizabeth the Second was crowned upon in 1953, so in actual fact, she has never really officially been crowned queen of the British people in the eyes of God, so therefore is not the true Monarch.

All of the Irish; Scottish and English Monarchs after 583 B.C., including Elizabeth the Second, are descended from Eochaidh and Teia Tephi of the line of David from the Tribe of Judah. The Stone was taken in 1950 from the House of Windsor from the line of David in fulfillment of God's Prophecies in The Bible Book of Genesis chapter 49:10 - "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah (the line of David), nor a law-giver from between his feet, until Shiloh (Christ) comes"

3. The Role of the Queen Today.

The media has mislead the public into believing that QE2 is a symbolic ceremonial figure-head with little or no real power. That she is a harmless old relic that passes her time sipping tea at the palace. Nothing could be further from the truth.

As British Monarch, queen Elizabeth 2 is the wealthiest, most powerful person on earth. She embodies the Crown and supreme world power. Presidents of the United States are forbidden any title of nobility and are subservient to the Monarch. The US president is commander in chief of the US forces at Camp David. Which is known to insiders as camp king David.

Prime ministers in Commonwealth nations like Canada and Australia are also subservient representatives of the British king or queen. They are her spokesmen. The governor generals of the queen's commonwealth nations represent and exercise the queens power on her behalf.

What the general public doesn't realize is that their leaders are only representatives of the monarch and do not possess the power. They exercise the power. They do not reign, they rule. The monarch, on the other hand, reigns but does not rule. Possesses the power but does not exercise it.

By delegating her powers instead of exercising her powers, the queen is left safely outside and above the conflicts and divisions of the political process. She is protected from becoming a target of political hostilities.

Meanwhile, the general public is kept in the dark about the true powers that the queen actually possesses. Powers that she delegates but has not yet chosen to exercise.

So what exactly are these powers that the queen possesses but has not chosen to exercise?

Her powers include:

The power to choose the prime ministers and to dismiss the prime ministers either directly in Britain, or through her governor generals in Commonwealth countries.

The power to dismiss ministers and the government.

The power to dissolve parliament and call new elections.

The power to refuse legislation passed by parliament.

The power to command the armed forces and raise a personal militia.

The power to read confidential government documents and intelligence reports.

The power to declare a state of emergency and issue proclamations.

The power to call elections and enact laws in her majesties name.

Not a single law is passed without the queen's consent.

The power to exercise "Crown Prerogatives" which means the monarch can declare war through her prime minister, without the agreement of parliament.

The power to grant and bestow titles like “Sir”.

The power to pardon convicted criminals.

So why has the queen been allowed to legally possess all of these supreme powers? For the sake of tradition?

The Crown

What exactly is the meaning of the term "The Crown"?

The Crown is defined as executive powers exercised in the name of the monarch. The actual Crown itself, worn by the monarch is a symbol of the queens executive powers.

The parliamentary oaths act of 1866 requires all leaders of 54 commonwealth nations to swear an oath of loyalty to the queen, not to the people who elected them. Those who do not swear allegiance to the queen are deemed unfit for office, including the prime minister, police, military, judges, legislators, lawyers, and public servants. New citizens to the queen's commonwealth nations must also swear allegiance to the queen.

Public land in the queen's colonies like Canada, is called "Crown Land" and includes aboriginal land. Government corporations are called Crown corporations. The central bank of Canada and the Canadian mint are Crown corporations, independent of most government controls.

Canadian warships are called HMCS - Her Majesty's Canadian Ship. And in Australia they are called HMAS – Her Majesty's Australian Ship. Canada's national police force is called the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

All government contracts are between a company or individual and Her Majesty. Court summons are issued in the name of the queen and all public inquiries are called Royal Commissions.

Commonwealth money carries the queen's image, world wide, as a reminder of her authority.

The queen is the lifetime hereditary head of state of Great Britain and her colonies and is un-elected and unaccountable. It is against the law to advocate the abolition of the monarchy.

What is the cost to British tax payers to support the queen and her entourage? The public accounts committee and national audit office are forbidden to examine queen Elizabeth Windsor's family finances. But the civil list payments are reviewed every 10 years. So for the year ended march 2002, the running expenses of the Windsor household were 7.9 million pounds. Family spending 35.3 million. Security 30 million. And the list goes on.

How much is the queen actually worth? The queen's wealth is divided into three categories: Her wealth as the Monarch, her visible personal wealth and her invisible personal wealth.

The queen's wealth as the Monarch includes 54 commonwealth nations world wide. Millions of acres of Crown Land and resources, thousands of Crown corporations and the Corporate City State of London, which is the capitol of world finance.

The queen's visible personal wealth, which was accumulated tax free until 1992, includes Royal Yachts, Rolls Royce's, Race horses, 5 castles, the world's largest collection of jewels, 20,000 old master-pieces and billions in class A shares and blue-chip stocks and bonds, which have been invested and re-invested, over and over again, tax free.

Most of the queen's fortune was inherited from her ancestors' illegal Opium trade with China and the black slave trade. In 1977 the Bank of England nominees was established to hide the queen's personal portfolio of wealth. As the British Monarch, the queen has access to privileged information, state secrets and the world's top financiers. She is immune to accusations of insider trading or conflicts of interest. Her financial portfolio includes Rio Tinto, General Electric, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Archer Daniels Midland, and the list goes on.

The queen's accumulation and hoarding of wealth causes dearth and deprivation among her subjects and is in direct contravention of God's Law of Moses which she as the Monarch of the British Israelite people is required to uphold. The Law of Moses clearly lays out the role of the Monarch in Deuteronomy chapter 17* and forbids the Monarch from accumulating and hoarding wealth, and that he/she must uphold and enforce only the God's Law and not legislate his/her own laws or allow others to do so.

*Deuteronomy 17:14 When thou art come unto the land which the "I AM" thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations that [are] about me;
17:15 Thou shalt in any wise set [him] king over thee, whom the "I AM" thy God shall choose: [one] from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger (a gentile) over thee, which [is] not thy brother.
17:16 But he shall not multiply horses to himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt (slavery under man-made laws), to the end that he should multiply horses: forasmuch as the "I AM" hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way.
17:17 Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold.
17:18 And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this Law in a book out of [that which is] before the priests the Levites:
17:19 And it shall be with him, and he shall read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the "I AM" his God, to keep all the words of this Law and these Statutes, to DO them:
17:20 That his heart be not lifted up above his brethren, and that he turn not aside from the Commandment, [to] the right hand, or [to] the left: to the end that he may prolong [his] days in his kingdom, he, and his children, in the midst of Israel.

The queen's visible millions are but a tiny fraction of her invisible wealth accumulated through the black nobility.



Jubilee 2012

The Black Nobility

The black nobility is a wealthy aristocracy of elite ruling families who solidified their wealth in the 12th. century by intermarrying with the wealthy godfather families of Venice, Italy.

During the blood-baths of the Christian Crusades, this brutal Italian Oligarchy captured the trading monopolies. Over the centuries the black nobility have used their power and wealth to rape, plunder and exploit every corner of the globe.

Today, the black nobility enrich themselves in the illegal drugs and arms trade, using well distanced intermediaries. An estimated 280 billion in flight capitol and drug money flows into their secret Swiss accounts. The black nobility include the house of Hanover, Germany; the house of Hapsburg, Austria; the house of Orange, Netherlands; the house of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein; and most importantly, the house of Guelph, Britain.

All of these family houses can be found on QE2's family tree. The black nobility are the founders of the Committee of 300 which is also known as the Illuminati or illuminated ones. QE2 is head of the Committee of these 300 ruling families. The Illuminate was formed to achieve one main objective – one world government, called the New World Order.

All of today's think-tanks originate for the Committee of 300 and include "The Round Table", "The Council on Foreign Relations", "The United Nations Organization", "The Bilderberger Group", "The Club or Rome", "The Royal Institute of International Affairs" and "The Trilateral Commission" founded by David Rockefeller.

Since the British colonization of America, many powerful American families have formed secret societies that co-operate with the black nobility. Like the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University which is routed in German Freemasonry.

Its exclusive members are some of America's most powerful and wealthy men. Including two of America's Presidents – President George W. Bush and his father President George Herbert Walker Bush.

The New England genealogy society confirms that 19 US Presidents are descendants of king Edward 3rd. of England. Like European Royalty, America's bloodlines are maintained through intermarriage.

The think-tanks of the Committee of 300 have given birth to the Tavistock Institute, HAARP, the Rand Corporation, Stanford Research Institute and the Institute for Policy Studies, among others.

One study group in the Rand Corporation specializes in the timing and direction of thermal nuclear war.

These institutes and corporations are engaged in the secretive development of brainwashing and population control techniques, the mapping and patenting of human and animal DNA and the genetic engineering of human, animal and plant life. They are also developing chemical, bacteriological and psychological weaponry.


Freemasonry has a pyramid structure. The highest level is a 33rd. degree Mason. Most Freemasons remain at the 3rd degree and provide a cover, through their community charitable activities. The Illuminati at the top of the pyramid is the "all seeing eye". At the bottom are the unthinking, hard working, tax paying, law abiding, debt slaves, called the goyem or sheep.

Giuseppe Mazzini of Italy was a 33rd. degree Mason who replaced Adam Weishaupt as head of the Illuminati in 1834. Mazzini appointed America's Albert Pike as sovereign pontiff of universal Freemasonry and the coordinator of the Illuminati US activities.

In a letter to Giuseppe Mazzini, dated August 15th, 1871, Pike graphically outlined a blueprint for three grand world wars. WW1 would weaken, topple and destroy the powerful Zar's government of Russia, WW2 would pit Great Britain against Germany, destroy the German nation and create the Zionist state of Israel. WW3 would be created by fueling aggression between the Zionists of Israel and the Arab world, who would eventually destroy one-another. Social Political and economic chaos would then force the masses to accept one world army and one world government ruled by the Illuminati.

Albert Pike was a confederate general in the American civil war. The Rothschilds sent British agents to conspire with Pike and with US politicians and provoke the rebellion that started the American civil war.

The Rothschilds whose massive fortunes had been built on provoked wars and war-loans, offered loans to both sides of the civil war at 24-36% interest. When president Abraham Lincoln tried to stop the loan-sharks by issuing US government green-back dollars interest free, a gunman with European connections, named John Wilx Booth shoot him down in cold blood.

Following the civil war, Albert Pike was convicted of treason and sent to prison, but President Andrew Johnson, a 33rd. degree Mason, pardoned him. One of Johnson's first acts as president was to veto the civil rights act for blacks, who had been shipped in chains to their wealthy American slave-owners.

A statue of Albert Pike, a convicted traitor, stands today in the heart of Washington D.C. On the opposite side of America, in Central Park, New York, stands an honorary statue of Giuseppe Mazzini.

Fourteen US presidents, including George Washington, are known to be 33rd. degree Masons.


The House of Rothschild

1. The Grand Vizier.

Similar to the structure of government in ancient Egypt, consisting of a step pyramid model with the grand viziers and priesthood one step below the pharaoh, today's monarchy reigns using a much more sophisticated pyramid model of authority.

Like the pharaohs of Egypt who had a grand vizier, QE2 also has a grand vizier who serves as her most trusted advisor. His name is lord Evelyn Rothschild and he is the second wealthiest and most powerful person on earth. He is also lord of the world's financial capitol, the City State of London. Lord Rothschild and his ring of power hide their identities behind 13 City Council members who stand in as their representatives.

Just how rich and powerful is lord Evelyn Rothschild? Historically, the Rothschild family wealth was hidden in underground vaults. The Rothschild's secret financial records are never audited and never accounted for. Their family commissioned biographies give the illusion that their family fortune has dwindled. But researchers estimate their wealth at close to 500 trillion dollars – more than half the wealth of the entire world.

Besides their many castles, palace mansions, wineries, race horses and exotic resorts, the Rothschild's bought Routers in the 1800's. Routers then bought the Associated Press, which selects and delivers the same new stories to the entire world, day after day. They have controlling interests in three major television networks and easily avoid media attention, since they own the media.

Until recently, they owned and operated England's Royal Mint and continue to be the gold agent for the Bank of England, which they also direct. They control the LBMA – London Bullion Market Association, where 30 to 40 million ounces of gold, worth over 11 billion dollars are traded daily. The Rothschild's earn millions weekly, just on transaction fees alone. They also fix the world price on gold on a daily basis and profit from its ups and downs.

Over the centuries, the Rothschild's have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their subterranean vaults and have cornered the world's gold supply. They own controlling interests in the worlds largest oil company Royal Dutch Shell. They operate phony charities and off-shore banking services where the wealth of the Vatican and black nobility is hidden in secret accounts at Rothschild Swiss banks, trusts and holding companies.

Although Evelyn Rothschild may seem like a harmless old man, make no mistake about it. Rothschild and his ancestors have hand-picked presidents, crashed stock markets, bankrupted nations, orchestrated wars and sponsored the mass murder and impoverishment of millions.

The wealth hoarded by this one family alone could feed, clothe and shelter every human being on Earth.

How did Evelyn Rothschild become the filthy rich grand vizier to QE2 and godfather of the black nobility? By birth. Evelyn Rothschild is the great, great, great grandson of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and will be passing the godfather-ship down to David de Rothschild.

2. Mayer Amschel Bauer.

Their story begins in 18th century Frankfurt Germany, on a cobblestone street called Frankfurt on the Main. Mayer Amschel Bauer was the son of a goldsmith and loan-shark, called Moses Amschel Bauer, who hung a red hexagon shield over the doorway of his shop. When Mayer took over his father's business, he changed his name from Bauer to Rothschild, which means “Red Shield” in German. The red hexagon shield was the symbol for the world revolutionary movement.

Family biographers describe Mayer Rothschild as a poor man, who lived with his family above his shop and sold rare coins to Royal customers. On the contrary, Mayer stashed a big supply of gold, precious coins and jewels in special hiding places inside his house.

One special hiding place was beneath the back courtyard, where he accessed his strongbox, through an underground passageway. Mayer taught his 5 sons the tricks of the trade. To them he wasn't just his father, he was their lord and master. To them, he was Lord Mayer.

3. The Birth of the Illuminati and the New World Order Conspiracy.

In 1773, Mayer Rothschild invited 12 wealthy revolutionary-minded men to his goldsmiths shop. Together they formulated a plan to seize control of the worlds wealth. They made a pact to secretly pool their wealth to bankrupt the nations of the world and create a New World Order.

Using his connections, Mayer teamed up with prince Wilhelm IX Landgrave, who was the ruler of Germany's Hesse-Kassel district. Wilhelm had a reputation as a cold-blooded loan-shark, who trained and rented out his Hessian solders as mercenary troops.

It was a popular blood for money business which made prince Wilhelm one of Europe's richest men. Working as prince Wilhelm's agent, Mayer Rothschild collected fees for each dead Hessian solder killed on he battle-field. He hired his sons to help him collect the blood money from renter nations. Since wars were good for the rent-a-troop business, prince Wilhelm used his Royal connections in Denmark and England to provoke these wars.

King George the 3rd. of England rented Hessian solders from Mayer Rothschild and prince Wilhelm to fight the American colonists. American colonists had already shot down millions of American Indians, whose spears and arrows were useless against the deadly gunfire. The worst holocaust in human history occurred not in Nazi Germany but on American soil.

By 1776 British and Hessian troops arrived on American shores, ready to fight the American colonists.

The colonists won their independence and Mayer Rothschild won his blood money from the heads of each and every Hessian solder killed on the battle-field.

Back in Europe, Napoleon with his mighty French army, became master of Europe.

When Napoleon and his troops marched into Germany, Wilhelm feared for his life and his vast fortune. He left 3 million dollars in the hands of Mayer Rothschild to pay the Hessian solders. Then he escaped to Denmark to stay with his royal relatives.

Mayer Rothschild received a stock-market tip from his world revolutionary network. Instead of paying the Hessian solders with the 3 million dollars that was left to him by Wilhelm, he bet the money on his insider stock market tip.

With his new fortune, Mayer Rothschild set up 5 family banks to be run by each of his 5 sons in London, Paris, Naples, Frankfurt and Vienna.

On Sept. 19th 1812, Mayer Rothschild died at the age of 68. He left instruction that the amount of the inheritance must never be made public, that secrecy and ruthlessness must be used in all business practices and that family members must intermarry with their own relatives to keep the family fortune all in the same family.

All 5 brothers dedicated themselves to their ancestor's world revolutionary dream. That dream was to control the entire world under One World Government.

Mayer Rothschild's most successful sons were Nathan, who ran the London bank, and James who ran the Paris bank. Together they changed the face of history and became known throughout Europe as the Demon Brothers. Their father had given them a detailed NWO plan for world control. Adam Weishaupt wrote and completed the plan on May 1, 1776 with Rothschild financing. It was a futuristic plan that would put NWO members over the next century into political power positions.

It was a plan to divide and conquer the nations of the world, by provoking war then profiting from war loans and sales of weapons to both sides. Exhausted by war, terror and chaos, humanity would eventually bow-down to One World ruler and One World army as a solution.

It was a plan to control public opinion, by purchasing controlling shares in newspaper houses, TV networks, publishing houses and film studios.

Sports, games and alcohol would be used to distract the masses. Laws would be changed, banks would be monopolized and people and nations would be made into obedient debt-slaves.

With Rothschild financing, Adam Weishaupt formed a secret world revolutionary group called the Illuminati. He recruited thousands of influential members by convincing them that only men of superior ability had the right to rule over the ignorant masses.

French police exposed the plan, when they found documents on an Illuminati courier who was struck by lightening while traveling from Germany to France.

The Illuminati was forced underground. They took refuge with the Freemasons.

4. Taking control of the Bank of England.

Nathan and James Rothschild had come up with a scheme that would put the Illuminati plan for world domination into action. It would also make them filthy rich.

The brothers helped finance both sides of Napoleon's famous battle at Waterloo, between the French and the English.

With advanced knowledge of the British victory, Nathan Rothschild spread lies that the British had been defeated, which caused a crash in the value of British Government bonds. While panicked English investors sold up their life savings, Nathan Rothschild bought-up their bonds for pennies on the dollar.

When official news of the British victory at Waterloo arrived, the English bond-market skyrocketed and so did Nathan Rothschild's wealth.

In one foul swoop, the Demon Brothers had double-crossed the English masses and taken control of the Bank of England.

Flaunting their tremendous wealth, the brothers went on a lavish spending spree. They bought mansions, fashionable clothes and hosted extravagant parties.

5. International Banks and Multinational Corporations.

By 1818 they had fleeced the French investors, by crashing the French Government bond market.

According to plan, the brothers formed the first International bank and named it M. Rothschild and Sons.

The pope became their most famous customer. The Catholic Church which had financed the wholesale slaughter, torture and looting of hundreds of thousands of Muslims during the Christian Crusades, were now doing business with the Demon Brothers.

By 1823 the Rothschilds were guardians of the entire papal treasure and took over the financial operations of the Catholic Church.

Enraged citizens accused the Rothschilds of trying to control the world's money markets. Fearing for their lives, the Rothschilds retreated into the shadows and cast their eyes on the youthful USA. To avoid publicity, the Rothschilds made themselves invisible by creating and hiding behind two front companies. J P Morgan and Kuhn and Loeb.

By 1906 J P Morgan's bank controlled 1/3 of America's railways and over 70% of the steel industry. He eventually had a major stake in the 20th. century’s major companies. Among them ATNT, ITT, General Electric, General Motors and Du Pont.

6. The Opium trade with China.

The Rothschilds bought controlling interests in British East India Shipping Company and the illegal Opium trade with China. They offered junior partnerships to New England's leading American families.

The Russell, Coolidge, DeLeino, Forbes and Perkins families became fabulously rich smuggling Opium aboard their speedy Clipper ships into China. In 1820 Samuel Russell bought out the Perkins syndicate and ran the Opium smuggling operation with his partner Warren DeLeino Jr. who was the grandfather of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Britain had finally found a commodity that China would take – Opium. Imported from India, just a few chests at first, and then thousands. When the Chinese authorities tried to stop the Opium trade, the British sent in their Gunboats. After nearly 20 years of turmoil the treaty of Tien-Tsin in 1858 not only allowed Opium to be imported, but handed over China's ports and all her International trade to Western control.

After the war, Opium poured into China on an even greater scale and her Emperors were powerless to stop it.

In 1842, the British stole Hong Kong from China in an Opium drug-deal called the treaty of Nanking. The Russell family who controlled the US arm of the Rothschild drug smuggling operation, set up the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale University. America's big money families formed the fraternity's inner power circle. Taft, Russell, Schiff, Haremon, Bush, Warburg, Guggenheim, Rockefeller, Stemson, Weighouser, Vanderbilt, Goodyear and Pillsbury were all members.

These families intermarried over the generations to form America's big money aristocracy. Skull and bones member Alfonso Taft catapulted his son William Taft right into the top job at the White House. President Taft's 17th. Amendment to the US Constitution guaranteed the right of big-money insiders to hand-pick Senators and buy control of the US Senate. Today, the most influential members of the CIA, the US Government, and big finance are Skull and Bones men.

The Hollywood movie lots are owned by the Illuminati Lehman brothers, Rothschild agent Kuhn and Loeb and Goldman Sacks.


The Federal Reserve System

1. The next generation of Rothschilds and the creation of the US Federal Reserve Banks.

Leopold and Nathaniel Rothschild were the next generation of the family to take charge of the family fortune. Their forte, like their forefathers, was banking.

Since their predecessors had already conquered Europe and set their eyes on America, this new generation didn't waste any time and set about continuing the family tradition.

The US congress was in charge of issuing money in America. For the Rothschilds to take control of America's banking and money system meant they had to outsmart Congress. They sent Jacob Schiff, their trusted life-long friend and neighbor from Frankfurt Germany to New York City and put him in charge of their front company called Kuhn and Loeb. Then they ganged up with other big players, by investing in Rockefeller Oil, Harriman Railroads, Carnegie Steel and Brown Brothers investment banking. By 1901, the Rothschilds had amassed $22.2 bn worth of US assets.

The mayor of New York, John Highland, called them the invisible government. While Congressman Louis McFadden called them a dark crew of financial pirates who would slit a man's throat to get a dollar. When Woodrow Wilson became president of the United States in 1912, he sold-out America. Wilson was backed by Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg, who worked in the United States as German immigrant agents for the Rothschilds. In 1913, Paul Warburg re-wrote the US money rules with the help of Senator Aldridge. They called the new rules the Federal Reserve Act. With President Woodrow Wilson's blessing, the privately owned central bank called the US Federal Reserve Bank, was created, and was free of government control.

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