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Fictitious or extra intermediaries »

Let's assume there is a company in which work hundred person. But all goods sell only to one firm in which two persons work only.

The first firm we shall name «F.1», the second: «F.2». Both firms belong to one person. By the way, in F2 HE WORKS PERSONALLY, and is admissible, HIS RELATIVE. What occurs? F1 sells the goods, we shall admit, at the price of $1 only for F2. F2 sells bought at F1 the goods all interested person already on $100.

It is easy to understand, that MFS F1 in 100 times is less, than at F2. As a result, workers F1 receive the income in 100 times smaller, than could receive, if the businessman conducted the business fairly. In fact F2 it has specially been created that the most part of the income to take away from workers and to collect for businessman. I shall not explain in greater detail process of it sketch.

I believe, that it more than is obvious.

So, I call the similar intermediary "fictitious". In fact F1 could sell the goods itself. The government is obliged to watch, that such "intermediaries" did not arise, and strictly to punish such activity as illegal and crime.

Can arise and other intermediaries whom I call "extra".

Let's assume, that in rich country F there is firm Q which has opened affiliated company Z in poor country D in which a lot of a so-called cheap labour. Z sells the goods under the low price ($1) for firm Q, and firm Q sells already to all wishing buyers in country F the same goods at the price of $100.

Accordingly and salaries in Q and Z different, and F and D receive taxes different. But the sketch of understating of incomes of firm of manufacturer Z in country D precisely same, as well as in case of with «the fictitious intermediary».

Difference in that here we deal already with interstate attitudes. In this case firm Q is «the extra intermediary».

Really, firm Z could sell perfectly the goods in country F. It is possible to advise for country D to influence firm Q, for example, deprivation of the license of firm Z that firm Q has been compelled to sell Z to other, more compliant firm G. Firm G will draw necessary conclusions as it is necessary to work.


However, I wish to notice, that owing to my offer, concept “ a cheap labour ”, will leave in the past. But in greater detail I shall tell about it later.


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