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Exercise 162

Choose the right variant.

1. When, Ann last?

I___her since she to another city.

a) have you seen, haven't seen, has moved

b) did you see, didn't see, moved

c) did you see, haven't seen, moved

d) have you seen, didn't see, has moved

2. Our train___at 8 o'clock. If you___at 5, we. our things.

a) leaves, come, will pack

b) will leave, will come, will be packing

c) is leaving, will come, are packing

d) leaves, come, will be packing

3. They___. to build a new McDonalds in several days and___it by the end of the year.

a) will start, will finish

b) are starting, will have finished

c) start, will be finishing

d) start, are finishing

4.1___the performance for twenty minutes when my friend___at last. His car___on his way to the theatre.

a) was watching, had come, had broken down

b) had been watching, came, had broken down

c) watched, came, broke down

d) have been watching, had come, has broken

5. Look, what he ___ on the blackboard. He___three mistakes.

a) is writing, has made

b) has written, had made

c) has been writing, is making

d) writes, made

6. What ___if the rain „__by evening? It___since yesterday, I wonder when it___.

a) will we do, doesn't stop, is pouring, will stop

b) are we doing, hasn't stopped, had been pouring, stops

c) shall we have done, won't have stopped, was pouring, will be stopping

d) shall we do, hasn't stopped, has been pouring, will stop

7. What___when I___? - We.___the article which Mary___just _....... I___to read it for a long time.

a) did you do, was coming in, were reading, has brought, have wanted

b) were you doing, came in, were reading, had brought, had wanted

c) had you been doing, came in, read, brought, had been wanting

d) have you done, have come in, have read, has brought, wanted

8. It___dark, it's time for the children to go home. They___in the yard for the whole evening.

a) got, play

b) has got, are playing

c) is getting, have been playing

d) gets, played

9.1 haven't heard you come into the room. When___? —

I __ long ago. You___and I___to disturb you.

a) did you come, came, were reading, was not wanting

b) did you come, came, were reading, did not want

c) have you come, have come, have been reading, don't want

d) were you coming, was comings read, haven't wanted

10.I__ till Father___. He___his key and I will have to wait for him.

a) won't be leaving, will come, had lost

b) won't leave, will come, has lost

c) won't leave, comes, has lost

d) aren't leaving, comes, loses


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