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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Exercise 36

Translate into English.

1. Будьте добры, передайте мне соль, пожалуйста. 2. Вечер был влажный (damp) и прохладный. 3. Был холодный и ветреный (windy) день. 4. Вино слишком сладкое. 5. Я люблю сухое вино. 6. Она нашла такую хорошую работу. 7. Погода плохая. Ночь была очень холодная. Я не хочу гулять в такую холодную погоду. 8t Человек приручил (domesticate) собаку много лет назад. 9. Это неожиданная новость. 10. Он обладает обширными знаниями в области медицины. 11. Кипр к Мальта известные туристические центры. 12. Она прожила трудную жизнь. 13. Нефть используют для

производства (production) бензина. 14. Шотландия__

гористая (mountainous) часть Великобритании. Самая высокая гора — пик Бен-Невис. 15. Где они останови­лись? — В отеле «Континенталь». Это на Хай-стрит.


Test 2

Choose the right variant.

1. He crossed___stream which was below the pool stepping cautiously from___stone to___stone.

a) the,___,___

b) the, the, the

c) а, а, а

d) the, a, a

2. In___ spring of___following year we went___abroad and were absent several months.

a)___, the,___

b) the, the, the


d)the, the___

3. ___day after my talk with Isabel I left___Chicago for___ San Francisco where I was to take ship for___ Far East.

a) a,___,___,___

b) the,___,___, the

c)___, __, the, the

d) the, the, the, the

4. After___lunch they sat down under the oak tree drinking___Turkish coffee.

a) the, the


c)__, the

d)a, a

5.1 had scarcely got into___bed when a strain of _ music seemed to break forth in___air just below my window.


b) a,___, the

c)the, the,___

d) the,___, the

6. But after___fortnight of___bad weather it cleared. "Let's see how___weather turns out?" he said and took a chair nearer at___hand.

a)___,a,___, the

b) a, the, the, a

c) a,___, the,___

d) the, the, the, the

7. At___tea, which they both took with___lemon, John spoke about___Bahamas.

a)___, the, the


e)___,___, the

d) the, the, the

8.___map of ___world, until ___end of ___ fifteenth century exhibited only___one hemisphere, and even that was not completely explored.

a) the, the, the, the, the

b) the,___,___, the,___

c) a, the,___,___s___

d) the, the, the, the,___

9. As___weather was fine, they had___pleasant walk across___park which stretched along___Thames.

a) the, the, the, the

b)___, the, a, the

c) the,__, the,___

d) the, a, the, the

10. On___first of___May, after their last year together at___college, Frank and Robert were on___ tram.

a) the, the,___,___


c) the,___,___, a

d) the,___, the, a

11. At that time of___year the wild animals —___ lion,___gazelle and___antelope also wander further to ___south.

a) the, the, the, the, the

b)___, a, a, a, the

c) a, the, the, the,___

d) the,___,___,___, the

12. After___tea Edgar and the brothers received ___permission to leave___table.

a) the, a, the

b)___, the,___

c)___,___, the


13. "I am in___hurry. Turn to___left in___High Street and drive me down to___East End," I ordered taking my seat.

a) a, the, the, the

b)a, the,___, the


d) the, a, the, an

14. Through an open window a peak of___Balkans, wonderfully white and beautiful in ___ starlit snow seems quite close at___hand.

a)the,the, the


c)___, a, a

d) the, a, a

15.___great Sahara, that frightful desert of___ vast scorching sand, stretching from___Red Sea to ___Atlantic, is cleft by one solitary thread of___ water.

a) the,___, the, the, ___

b)___, a, the, the, the

c) the, the, the,___,___

d)___,___,___, the, the

16. It was___late evening, and after___lamp-heated air of___dining-room,___coolness of___night was delicious.

a) a, a, the,___,___

b)the, the, the, the,the

c)___,___, a,___, a

d)___, the, the, the, the

17, He walked into___Green Park that he might cross to___Victoria Station and take___underground into___City.

a) the,___, the, the

b)the,the, the, the


d)___,___, an,___

18.___rice,___jute,___indigo,___opium oilseeds, and___tea are___principle articles which come into export trade from___Calcutta.


b) the, the, the, the, the, the,___

c)___,___,___the,___,___, the

d) the, the, the,___, the,----,-----

19. They reached___outskirts of___forest, and saw__lights of___village in which they dwelled.

a)___, a,___, a,


c)___, the, the, the

d) the, the, the, a

20. "___telephone may quicken some of___labours, but it hardly lightens them, since by its power to interrupt it usually wastes quite as much time as it otherwise saves," he said with___laughter.

a) a, the, the

b) the,___, a

c)___, the,___

d) the, the,___

21. He came into___lounge.___woman with___ dark hair and___ thin straight face was arranging some flowers in the hall.

a) the, a,___, a

b) a, a, the, the

c)___, the, the, the

d) the, a, the, a

22. What___wonderful frame it is! Is it made of ___birch?___birch is my favourite tree.

a)___, the, the

b) a, the, a

c) a,___, the

d)___, a, a

2 3. They went___side by___side,___hand in___ hand silently towards the hedge, where___mayflowers, both pink and white, were in___full blossom.

a)___,___, the, the,___, a

b) the, the___,___,___,___

c) a, a,___,___, the, the

d)___ t ___ t ___,___ t ___}___

24. There are several ways of capturing___tigers. But___hunters must be very careful because___tiger is___ferocious beast.

a)___,___, the, a

b)the,___, a, a

c)___, the, a, the

d)___,___, the, the

25. During___last ten years she has been___head mistress of___elementary school.

a) the,___, an

b)___.the ___


d)the, the, the


Unit 6

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