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Hygiene is the main preventive branch of medicine that studies the regularities of the influence of natural and anthropogenic environmental factors on the human organism and public health and developing hygienic standards, sanitary regulations and activities aimed at ensuring optimal conditions for life, preservation and health promotion and disease prevention.

Hygiene is a multi-discipline, each section of which covers a separate area of hygiene science and practice: communal hygiene, occupational hygiene, food hygiene, hygiene of children and teenagers and other however, a special place in the training of future bachelors of public health is General hygiene, which is the fundamental section of hygienic science - propedeutics of hygiene, designed first to introduce the student to the world of hygiene.

2.2 The Purpose of discipline:

To give an idea of health as a science, as a whole, its fundamentals, principles and methodological approaches, and to lay the basis for methodological knowledge and skills, neobhodimih for the legislative framework, theoretical and applied aspects of preventive and current sanitary supervision in the study profiled hygienic disciplines.

2.3 Learning objective:

• to familiarize students with the theoretical and methodological basics of hygiene and hygienic norms of environmental factors;

• to give an idea of the nature and character of the impact on the health of an individual and public health of various environmental factors in the environment and industrial activity;

• to teach the research methods the most common environmental factors and their impact on human health;

• learn to determine the main directions of health meropriyatiy.

2.3 Learning objective:


• to familiarize students with the theoretical and methodological basics of hygiene and hygienic norms of environmental factors;

• to give an idea of the nature and character of the impact on the health of an individual and public health of various environmental factors in the environment and industrial activity;

• to teach the research methods the most common environmental factors and their impact on human health;

• learn to determine the main directions of health meropriyatiy.

2.4 The learning outcomes:

Student shoul be now:

· the subject, purpose, tasks and research methods used in health, relationship with other Sciences

· the history and main stages of development of hygiene, the role of hygienists in its development;

· regularities of influence of various environmental factors on the organism, the nature and manifestations;

· the principles and features of hygienic standardization of chemical, physical, biological and social environmental factors;

· methodological approaches to research and evaluation of various environmental factors and their influence on the human body;

· the main directions of the organization of measures to prevent the adverse effects of environmental factors on human health;

· measures for cleaning of populated areas;

· activities for the prevention of nosocomial infections;

forms and methods of health education;

To be able:

· to estimate the parameters of microclimate, air quality, lighting and ventilation in residential, public and industrial premises, to recommend measures for their optimization;

· to evaluate the intensity of infrared, ultraviolet radiation and bactericidal effect of UV radiation;

· to assess the water quality of water sources and centralized systems of drinking water supply;

· to assess the sanitary condition of the soil on sanitary-chemical, Toxicological, radiological, microbiological, helminthological entomological indicators;

· ocenjivati actual meal on the menu-layout;

· to give organoleptic quality assessment of basic food products;

· to carry out hygienic control over the organization of work of the canteen;

· to carry out hygienic examination of medical institutions;

· to give hygienic estimation of dust and pollution of the air of working zone;

· to assess the levels of noise and vibration, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation;

· evaluate key indicators of physical development and health of children and adolescents;

identify the risk factors and the distribution of the troops of diseases, including infectious, and to develop measures for prevention;


· be skilled in:

· definition of indicators required and the actual ventilation of the premises;

· sanitary investigation of food poisoning;

· determine the need for energy and nutrients;

· determine the safe working environment when working with sources of ionizing radiation;

· determine the extent of physical development and health of children and adolescents;

sanitary expertise of projects of residential and public buildings and constructions.

2.5. Prerequisites: molecular biology and medical genetics, ecology and steady development, medical biophysics, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, histology, biochemistry, physiopathilogy, pathoanatomy, microbiology.

2.6. Prerequisites: epidemiology, communal hygiene, hygiene of feed, occupational health, hygiene of children and teenagers, introduction to clinical medicine, community health care, environment and health.


2.7 Short maintenance of discipline:

Hygiene as basic prophylactic discipline is in medicine. Table of contents and article of study. A place of hygiene is in the complex of medical researches, connection with other sciences. Basic divisions of hygiene. Propedective value of general hygiene. History of development of hygiene. Becoming and development of hygienical science is in Kazakhstan.

2.8 Thematic plan (lectures practical): themes, form of realization and duration

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