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A strategy for the evolution of the Customs Union

Following the entry into force of the Regulation on the Modernised Customs Code, the Commission adopted a Communication on 1 April 2008 (see COM (2008) 169 (174 Kb) ) in order to develop a strategy for the evolution of the Customs Union.

The Commission's strategy aims to complete the reform process, already launched with the Modernised Customs Code and the Decision on a paperless environment for customs and trade, by modernising customs working methods, developing staff competences and re-allocating resources in an efficient and effective way.

The Commission proposes setting out a strategic framework for customs with common strategic objectives covering aspects such as:

· Protecting society and the EU's financial interests by developing effective measures against illicit, restricted and prohibited goods and developing effective risk assessment as part of the fight against terrorist and criminal activity;

· Supporting the competitiveness of European companies by modernising customs working methods and developing new EU standards;

· Facilitating legitimate trade by designing and improving control systems to reduce interference in the flow of goods, and reducing the administrative burden on businesses;

· Controlling and managing the supply chains used for the international movement of goods by enhancing effective and systematic sharing of risk information;

· Developing and enhancing cooperation between customs authorities and with other governmental agencies and the business community.

The complete list of objectives can be found in the Communication on the Strategy for the evolution of the Customs Union (see COM (2008) 169 (174 Kb) ). See also press release IP/08/492 .




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