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Text С Customs Officers Take Industrial Action

During March-April 2002, uniformed customs officers in France took various forms of industrial action to support demands for an increase in their danger bonus and enhanced pension conditions. Proposals tabled by the Minister of the Economy and Finance satisfied the demands of the officers' inter-union committee, and striking workers returned to work in most regions, with the notable exception of Orly airport.

In recent months, uniformed customs officers - 9,000 out of a total of 19,500 customs officers - have been demanding an increase in their 'danger bonus' and enhanced pension conditions. From March 2002, they stepped up industrial action in an attempt to promote their demands. Their tactics included blocking ferries and access to airports and border crossings, and closing down motorway toll-booths.

Their actions took various forms, including refusing to wear uniforms, blockading trains, shutting down motorway toll booths and working to rule, as well as more spectacular tactics, such as an incident in Dunkirk on 22 March, where officers walled up the customs department with concrete blocks.

Customs officers consider their jobs to be just as dangerous, if not more so, as those of police officers. They are therefore demanding that their danger bonus – currently standing at 9% of pay - be brought into line with the 23% paid to police officers. Customs officers are also demanding an increase in pension funding of one year's contributions for every five years of service as 'compensation for

hardship' experienced in carrying out their duties.

The majority of regional customs departments went back to work following the 22 April meeting. Customs officers at Orly airport voted to continue action until at least 30 April, but to carry out their duties and bear their side arms. (1500 symbols)

4.6.1 Decide whether these statements true or false:

1) Customs officers in France took various forms of industrial action to support demands for an decrease in their danger bonus.

2) Proposals of the Minister of the Economy and Finance satisfied the demands of the officers' inter-union committee.

3) Striking workers returned to work in most regions, with the notable exception of Orly seaport.

4) Customs officers consider their jobs to be more dangerous than those of police officers.

5) Their actions took various forms, including refusing to wear uniforms, blockading planes, shutting down motorway toll-booths and working to rule.

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