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Examples. Immigrants came to this country because they had very little hope of making a better life for themselves in their native land

Mass Nouns

Immigrants came to this country because they had very little hope of making a better life for themselves in their native land. The difficult conditions in Europe forced them to emigrate. In the 1840s in Ireland, for example, there was a great potato famine. Potatoes were the staple of the Irish diet. Without potatoes, there wasn't much food, and many people starved. The journey to America didn't cost much money in those days - only about twenty dollars.


Count Nouns

Sometimes there weren't many opportunities for the immigrants in America. For example, when the Irish first arrived in Boston, very few jobs were open to them, and only a few were high paying. Not many American workers liked these «new Americans» because they worked for low pay. Because of this, wages for all workers went down. There were many disagreements and problems between the «old» Americans and the «new» ones.


NOTE: Sometimes you see not a lot in negative statements. However, the most common pattern is not much or not many when the sentence is negative.


Contrast of Few / Little with A Few /A Little

Few a few.

or has a different meaning from a little.


Few not many.

or has a negative meaning similar to not much.


A few

or has a positive meaning similar to some when we are talking about a small A little quantity.


Notice the difference in meaning.

1. Very few good jobs were open to the immigrants.

(In this sentence, we mean that this was a real problem for the immigrants because the number of jobs was very limited.)

2. Most of the immigrants had very little education.

(In this sentence, we mean that this was a real problem that made it difficult for them to find jobs.)

3. A few good jobs were open to the immigrants.

(In this sentence, we mean that there were some good jobs for immigrants and that at least some immigrants had good job opportunities.)

4. Some of the immigrants had a little education.

(In this sentence, we mean that these immigrants had some education.)

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