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Who and What Questions

When Who or What is the subject of the verb in the question, the verb is always singular. When Who or What is the object of the verb, the question formation is the same as with all other wh - questions. In formal English, we use Whom for the object questions.


Subject Questions

Who mines uranium?

A lot of the big oil companies do.

What powers most modern submarines?

Nuclear reactors do.


NOTE: When you follow What with a plural noun, the verb is plural:

What companies operate nuclear power plants?

Utility companies do.

Object Questions

Who do the OPEC countrie s sell their oil to?

They sell it to countries all over the world.

Who does Mexico sell most of its oil to?

It sells it to the United States.



Write the correct question for each answer. Use the word in parentheses in the question.

(You are a reporter writing an article about solar energy. You are interviewing a producer of solar heaters.)


REPORTER: Does your company produce solar energy? (produce)

PRODUCER: Yes, we do. We make solar water heaters.

REPORTER: _____solar energy_____(cost) a lot of money?

PRODUCER: Yes, it does at the present time.

REPORTER: Why _____(negative) the government _____(help)your company?

PRODUCER: It helps us a little. But solar energy isn't very profitable yet. The technology isn't very developed.

REPORTER: _______ some countries ______solar water (require) heaters in new homes and office buildings?

PRODUCER: Yes, they do. They require them in new buildings in Australia.

REPORTER: ______a solar water heater _____(heat) a houseafter the sun goes down? PRODUCER: Yes, it does.

REPORTER: What ______ a solar heater______(do)? How_____ it _______(operate)?

PRODUCER: It collects solar heat during the day and stores it so that you have heat when there is no sun.


Write two different questions beginning with Who. Write one about the subject of the sentence and one about the object. Remember that the Who subject question is always singular. Look at the answer first.


1.The United States buys oil from the Middle East producers of oil every day.

Who buys oil from the Middle East producers?

The United States does.

Who does the United States buy oil from?

It buys oil from the Middle East producers of oil.

2. The president often asks the American public for cooperation in conserving energy.


The president does.


He asks the American public.

3. Congressmen sometimes disagree with the president about his energy policies.


Congressmen do.


They disagree with the president.

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