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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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EXERCISE 14. Complete the words in these sentences

1. Those rose-bushes need protection. Spray them with insecti____________.

2. He gets very tense and nervous in enclosed spaces like lifts and the underground. He suffers from claustro___________.

3. The custom of having more than one wife or husband is known as ‘poly_________‘.

4. Some people, and some animals, are terrified of water. This aversion is known as aqua_________.

5. His problems overwhelmed him and he finally comitted sui__________.

6. When he was arrested and charged with bi______, both his wives stood by him.

7. His Anglo______ comes from some bad experiences he had in England.

8. Following the man’s death, his wife was charged with homi__________.

9. A person who makes and exploits war is called a war__________.

10. He has always been a biblio__________ and has amassed a vast collection of books over the years.

11. He has a shop selling pots and pans, tools and other metal goods. He’s an iron________.

12. He’s unbelievably self-centred and arrogant. He’s a complete ego___________.

13. She loved the year she spent in Italy and has been an Italo________ ever since.

14. Some journalists are perfectly honest and well-meaning but she just makes a profit from gossip and rumour. She’s just a cheap scandal_______.

15. A klepto___________ is a person who has a compulsive desire to steal.

16. His fondness for drink became an addiction, and his doctor says he is now a dipso_____________.

17. To me, at 14, the film-stars I saw at my local cinema were god_____ creatures.

18. John O’Groats in Scotland is the northern__________ town in mainland Britain.

19. We are pleased to present you with this award for your praise_______ work among the poor of this city.

20. In the old days it was not considered lady_________for a woman to smoke in public, if at all.

21. Architecture during that period was very boring. Almost every building was a box-_______ structure, with no variation or decoration to please the eye.

22. We’re looking for an honest, reliable, trust__________ person to handle our legal affairs.

23. He betrayed the inner____________ secrets of his country’s government to the enemy.

24. A small accident like that won’t appear in the papers. It isn’t news_______ enough.

25. I have a backache which is a bit trouble__________ at times.

26. He cast his eyes heaven______________ as if imploring God for help or pity.

27. It’s very pictur________ here, with the trees attractively framing the view of the river.

28. From Colombia we went south___________ through Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia to Argentina.

29. Man’s first view of the earth from space was an awe________ sight.

30. The back garden faces sea___________ so you can always be sure of a pleasant view.

31. I’m afraid I find her constant chatter gets a bit weari__________ after a while.

32. The architecture here is rather Roman_________. Look at the round arches and thick walls.

33. Even the most powerful tele____________ does not make the smallest stars visible.

34. I watched a drop_______ of rain move slowly down the window.

35. His most famous sea__________ was painted in 1879 and hangs in the National Gallery.

36. A gos_______ is a young goose.

37. The award takes the form of a silver statu_________ of the Greek god, Adonis.

38. The first television picture of the hitherto mysterious moon__________ was the most dramatic sight I have ever seen.

39. His home is in the country and he’s wondering if he can afford to buy a flat_____ in London too.

40. The crew of a submarine just below the surface can see what is happening above by looking through the peri__________.

41. Travelling by car, you have the chance to stop in the countryside to admire the land________.


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