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Symonenko S.V., English language advisor. The article deals with the basic aspects and prerequisites for development of information support of recycling systems through mathematical modeling of

The article deals with the basic aspects and prerequisites for development of information support of recycling systems through mathematical modeling of separate components of the process.

У статті розглянуті основні аспекти та передумови розробки інформаційної підтримки систем зворотного водопостачання через математичне моделювання окремих компонентів процесу.

Topicality of the problem. Due to worsening of water quality in almost all regions of the country protection of water bodies it is an important and urgent issue. It is known, that the major cause of water pollution is dropping untreated and insufficiently treated industrial and domestic sewage.

Researchers have shown quite conclusively that in Ukraine the development of information support of water supply manufacturing processes is just beginning to form, because earlier attention was focused only on process automation and industrial control.

Main research points. An effective solution for achieving increased reliability of recycling water systems based on environmental safety is considered to be associated with the revision of methodological approaches to the arrangement and operation of recycling systems.

The objective of our research workis to provide the conditions for the development of an information model of circulating water systems

To achieve this objective it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. To identify the ways of improvement of the information model of return water systems

2. To substantiate the mathematical form of evaluation of circulating water system operation

Industrial companies, due to objective conditions can not always materially influence on the circulating water systems. During the formation of information supply measures one of the main requirements is compliance with determination uniqueness of ways of recirculating water system intensification.

The scheme of design and implementation plan for the intensification of recycling systems is shown in Figure 1.

Practical implementation of information products of existing purification systems, quality control, waste water and sludge disposal must be carried out on the basis of computer technology.




Fig. 1. Scheme of design and implementation plan for the intensification of recycling systems

1 - full analysis of all existing data and constituent units of recycling systems;

2 - making rational and effective decision on the intensification of the water recycling system;

3 - design solution for water recycling system operation;

4 - system of sewage treatment;

5 - quality assessment of wastewater treatment;

6 - processing of sludge, formed during wastewater treatment;

7 - search and decision-making for highly efficient intensification of the recycling water systems;

8 - adjustment of initial conditions and results of research and technological conditions;

9 - implementation of the results into the production

Special programs that allow not just to control the relevant parameters and characteristics of the water solution, but also manage the process in real time, have to be developed. Tasks to be solvedinclude:

- optimization of the chemical component complex to improve the efficiency of sewage treatment;

- determine hydrological and mechanical parameters for assessing the quality of wastewater treatment;

- optimization of sludge content for further recycling and environmental decontamination.

Conclusion. This problem is a very complex issue but it seems that software has to solve the following problems in water supply system operation:

1. Quantitative and qualitative composition of chemical components in relation to hexavalent chromium in wastewater treatment has been optimized.

2. Hydrological and mechanical parameters of water solution particle, which have been defined, can provide qualitative assessment of processes for wastewater treatment.

3. Optimization of the thermal and physical properties of sewage sludge allows to determine the ways of their use and measures for protection of the environment.


UDC [(631.155.2:658.8):633.1.(411)]=111


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