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Страдательный залог


1. Определите время сказуемого. Дайте все возможные варианты перевода.

1. Only a few instances will be given here.

2. His answer was appreciated by everybody.

3. A new exhibition has been organized in this building.

4. The most important documents are signed here.

5. His lecture will be broadcast by the radio tomorrow.

6. The new-discovered language was described and deciphered.

7. The inscriptions have not yet been fully studied.

8. The most important archaeological collections are housed in museums.

9. This paper was first published in another edition, and is reprinted here with the permission of the editors.


10. The above problem is being investigated by one of the writers,1 and the results will be published separately.

11. All these ancient tools have been mentioned above, and something more will be said about them in the following chapter.

2. Подберите наилучший вариант перевода.

1. According to one version the famous library was destroyed during the strife between Ptolemy XV and his sister Cleopatra for the throne; according to another, it was burned six centuries later.

2. Almost all sciences except perhaps medicine suffered a relapse 2 during the Dark Ages 3 when scientific pursuits were considered antireligious. The occasional scholar who attempted such studies was often persecuted and his progress discouragingly slow.

3. The origin of the race of men who made the Nile valley the cradle of civilization is still being sought by scholars.

4. On the whole 4 Chekhov's plays are constructed in the same way as his stories. The differences are due to the differences of material and are imposed by the use of dialogue.

5. These papers were in their original form read at a conference of the English Institute, 1954.

6. 1 writers — здесь: авторы.

7. 2 a relapse — здесь: период упадка, застоя (амер.).

8. 3 Dark Ages — средние века.

9. 4 on the whole — в целом.

10. 5 Подробнее о переводе модальных глаголов с инфинитивом см. стр. 36—43.

11. 7



Переведите. Обратите внимание на значение и время модального глагола.

1. The question can be decided later.

2. The newspaper must be translated without a dictionary.

3. The lecture is to be delivered at eleven o'clock.

4. The teacher fell ill, so the lesson had to be postponed.

5. A word should be said about the origin of this term.

6. This rule cannot be applied here.

7. These books must not be touched without permission.

8. A word or two6 may be said as to the plan upon which the book is constructed.

9. The letters will have to be posted in the morning.

10. 6 a word, a word or two — несколько слов. 7 Имеются в виду глаголы, принимающие два дополнения — прямое и косвенное.


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