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Формы Continuous в страдательном залоге

XV. Переведите предложения:

1. Dinner is being cooked. Wait a little. 2. I’m afraid we’re being waited for. 3. The film will be shown from five till seven. 4. The house will be painted the whole day tomorrow. 5. Wait a minute, the child is being dressed. 6. From nine till ten the mail was being looked through by the manager. 7. When we came home, the table was being laid. 8. He said that the things were still being packed. 9. The plan was being drawn up from three till five. 10. «Did you say the article was being dictated to the secretary?» «I did.»


1. He couldn’t do a thing when he knew he - being watched. 2. He didn’t show much interest when the project - being discussed. 3. Close the door, please, the child - being washed. 4. His recent speech is - translated for the foreign quests. 5. What do you feel when your favourite tune is - played? 6. Hush! We are - listened to. 7. He told me to hurry up as we - being waited for. 8. He felt he - being followed. 9. She was - looked at and felt embarrassed. 10. Where on earth is he? He is - looked for by everybody!

XVII. Задайте разделительные вопросы:

Model: You are being waited for.

You are being waited for, aren’t you?

1. We are being watched. 2. They are being followed. 3. He is being laughed at. 4. She is being looked at. 5. Oscar is being listened to. 6. When the taxi arrived, the things were still being packed. 7. The money was being counted. 8. She was being laughed at. 9. They are being looked for. 10. The table was being laid.


Model: Everything is being arranged.

Is everything being arranged?

1. Nothing is being done. 2. The time table is being changed. 3. The table is being laid. 4. The problem is still being discussed. 5. The house was still being built. 6. Everything was being settled at that time. 7. The plan is still being drawn. 8. They were being waited for. 9. The project was still being made. 10. The article was still being translated when he asked for it.


A. Model: Have they discussed the question yet?

No, the question is still being discussed.

1. Have they packed the things?

2. Have they translated the text?

3. Have you cooked dinner?

4. Has she laid the table?

5. Has she looked through the mail?

6. Has he painted the car?

B. Model: Had they discussed the question when you came?

No, the question was still being discussed.

1. Had they built the house when you came back from Sweden?

2. Had your sister laid the table when you came home from your office?

3. Had they translated the article when you asked for it?

4. Had they looked through the papers by six o’clock?

5. Had she written the letter by the time you came?

6. Had she cooked dinner when you called her up?

7. Had they done the work by five?

8. Had they drawn up the plan by six o’clock?

C. Model: Is the film still being shown?

Yes, the film is still being shown.

What did he say?

He said the film was still being shown.

1. Is the question still being settled?

2. Is the house still being built?

3. Is the dinner still being cooked?

4. Are these papers still being used?

5. Are the things still being packed?

6. Are the articles still being dictated?

D. Model: Have they shown the film?

No, the film is still being shown.

What did he say?

He said that the film was still being shown.

1. Have they settled the question?

2. Have they translated the stories?

3. Have they corrected all the mistakes?

4. Has she packed the things?

5. Has everybody looked through the mail?

6. Has she drawn up the plan?

XX. Перефразируйте предложения, используя формы страдательного залога:

1. They are making a lot of new experiments in their laboratory currently. 2. He was confident that somebody was following him. 3. Everybody is still laughing at his jokes. 4. We couldn’t submit the plan for consideration, we were still drawing it up. 5. Are they still painting tea cups by hand? 6. What are they selling in this curio shop now? 7. She felt they were looking at her. 8. He couldn’t have dinner as the mother was still cooking it. 9. When the guests arrived the hostess was still laying the table. 10. I was told that everybody was looking for me.

XXI. Переведите предложения:

1. За нами следят. 2. Когда мы пришли, вопрос все еще обсуждали. 3. Его ждут. 4. Когда вы позвонили, статью все еще переводили. 5. Вас ищут. 6. В то время за ним следили. 7. На нас смотрят. 8. Вопрос обсуждали с девяти до одиннадцати. 9. Его слушают очень внимательно. 10. Мне сказали, что нас ищут. 11. Его ищут. 12. Она знала, что её ждут. 13. Давайте обедать. - 14. Ну, что они решили? -Пока ничего. Вопрос всё еще обсуждается. 15. Мне бы хотелось прочитать статью, о которой вы мне говорили на днях. -Её всё ещё переводят. 16. Не входите. Там показывают фильм. 17. Почему такая спешка? -Нас ждут. 18. Не говорите так громко. Вас слушают. 19. Над ним смеются. Неужели он этого не понимает? 20. Какой вопрос обсуждался, когда вы пришли на собрание?

XXII. Откройте скобки, используя глагол-сказуемое в форме Past Continuous страдательного залога:

Model: When I came to this town three years ago, the bridge across the river still (build).

When I came to this town three years ago, the bridge across the river was still being built.

1. I haven’t been to the photo show but I was present when the best photos (choose). 2. When I left the University I didn’t know yet the results of the test because the papers (look through). 3. When my grandfather worked at this factory this work still (do) by hand. 4. Just this very question (discuss) when I joined in the conversation. 5. He entered the auditorium in the dark and didn’t understand at first what film (show). 6. She had the feeling that she (watch). 7. I wasn’t surprised that he (listen to with such interest). He is a very good lecturer. 8. He was disturbed by the noise coming from the room next to his. He was sure that some experiments (make) there. 9. When she entered the class-room, the last student (examine). 10. When I came into the dining-room, the table (lay).

XXIII. Переведите предложения:

1. Его слушали с таким интересом, что никто не заметил, как я вошел. 2. Что строится на той стороне реки? 3. Я не могу понять, почему над ним тогда смеялись. 4. У него было такое чувство, что за ним кто-то идет. 5. Дети знали, что за ними наблюдают. 6. Что объясняли группе, когда вы присоединились к ним? 7. Не входите без приглашения, в зале обсуждается очень важный вопрос. 8. -Что там так горячо обсуждают? -По-моему, вчерашний фильм. 9. Он знал, что за ним следят, и решил лечь на дно. 10. Мне только что сказали, что меня ждут. 11. Улицу перед нашим домом всю разрыли: чинят газопровод. 12. Покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится новый театр. 13. Почему в комнате так прохладно? -Её как раз проветривают. 14. Когда участникам конференции переводили выступление представителя этой страны, оно их так заинтересовало, что они выразили желание записать некоторые факты, и им их специально повторили. 15. Об этом событии сейчас очень много говорят.


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