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Относительные местоимения


Данные местоимения служат для связи придаточных предложений с главным.

Who – кто, который
Whom – кого
Whose – чей
What – что, какой
Which – который, какой, кто, что
Where – где
When – когда


The man who is sitting at the table is our teacher.

Человек, который сидит за столом, наш учитель.

There is the man whom we saw in the park yesterday.

Вот тот человек, которого мы видели вчера в парке.

Do you know the man whose house we saw yesterday?

Вы знаете человека, дом которого мы видели вчера?

The book which is on the table must be returned to the library.

Книгу, которая лежит на столе, нужно вернуть в библиотеку.

I'm going to spend my vacations in the village where I was born.

Я собираюсь провести каникулы в деревне, где я родился.

We were very happy when he visited us.

Мы были рады, когда он навестил нас.


6. Местоимения some, any, no и их производные

some – некоторый, какой-нибудь, несколько somebody, someone – кто-то, кто-нибудь something – что-то, что-нибудь   Утвердительные предложения, специальные вопросы
any – кто-нибудь, какой-нибудь anybody, anyone – кто-нибудь anything – что-нибудь Отрицательные предложения, общие вопросы, условные предложения Местоимение any употребляется в утвердительных предложениях в значении “любой”.
no - никакой nobody, no one - никто nothing - ничто   Отрицательные предложения



He asked me some questions.

Он задал мне несколько вопросов.

Have you got any interesting books?

He didn’t make any mistakes.

Why didn’t you buy some cheese?

Some people like strong tea.

We have no time to help you.

(I have not any time to help you)

Give me something to read.

There is not anything in the box.

Somebody has taken my book.

We saw nobody there.

There is nothing in the box.



7. Местоимения much, many, a lot (of)


Much – много (с неисчисляемыми существительными):


I haven’t much work to do. You spent too much time on this translation. У меня немного работы. Вы потратили слишком много времени на этот перевод.


Many – много, многие (с исчисляемыми существительными):


He has so many friends in Moscow. Many people attended the meeting yesterday.


A lot of – много (с неисчисляемыми и исчисляемыми существительными в утвердительных предложениях):


There are a lot of English books in the library. We saw a lot of people there.  


В утвердительных предложениях после слов too / so употребляются местоимения much / many.


I have too manyproblems on my hands. I have so manyoffers that I don't know what decision to take.


8. Местоимения little / a little, few / a few:


Неисчисляемые существительные Исчисляемые существительные
little – мало, (недостаточно) few – мало (недостаточно)
a little – немного (некоторое количество) a few – немного, несколько (некоторое количество)



I have very little time. – У меня очень мало времени.

I’ve got a little time. – У меня есть немного времени.

Please give me a little water. – Дайте мне, пожалуйста, немного воды.

He has few friends. – У него мало друзей.

He has a few friends. – У него несколько друзей.


После слов very, too, so употребляется little/ few. После слова only обычно употребляется a little/a few.

She did very little work during the term. I won't be surprised if she fails her exams.

There isn't much new information in the article. There's only a little.


Упражнение 1. Замените выделенные слова соответствующими личными местоимениями:

1. The teacher is helping the students to translate the article. 2. Mother will send Mary tobuy the tickets. 3. The man gave the books to the boy. 4. My friend is going to write a letter tohis sister to day. 5. This book is not suitable for young children. 6. Helen worked hard at history.

Упражнение 2. Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения:

1. Tell him not to forget... ticket; she mustn’t forget... either. 2. Whose books are those? Are they... or...? 3. I see that he has lost... pencil; perhaps you can lend him...? 4. Lend them... dictionary; they have left... at home. 5. My trunk is heavier than.... 6. We've taken... dictionaries; has she taken...? 7. Those seats are not..., they are.... 8. This does not look like... book, it must be....

Упражнение 3. Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие возвратные местоимения:

1. Iwill ask him.... 2. She will answer the letter....3. We'll do it.... 4. Did you invite him...? 5. He wants to do it....6. Be careful I You will hurt.... 7. I looked at... in the mirror. 8. Put on a thicker coal to protect... from the rain. 9. They told me the news....


Упражнение 4. Вместо точек вставьте подходящие по смыслу местоимения:

1. Now that he was famous, he heard a lot about (him, himself, he) on TV and radio.

2. (Your, you, yours) house is not far from (our, us, ours).

3. Whose cigarettes are these? They may be (our, ours) cigarettes. Oh, yes, they are (our, ours).

4. (Our, ours) car is faster than (their, theirs).

5. There's no need for you to come, I can carry the shopping (mine, myself, itself).

6. We know (they, them, theirs) very well and both Peter and Nell know (we, us, ours).

7. You can do it without (mine, my, me) help but not without (they,

8. He couldn't lend me the dictionary because-it wasn't (he, him, his).

9. Amy was only three when she started to wash and dress (her,

10. This suitcase isn't (us, our, ours). There's somebody's name on it.

11. This is not (my, mine, me) car. (My, Mine, Me) is a 1980 model.

12. Could you help me sort out these things? I cannot tell which are (your, you, yours) and which are (we, our, ours).

13. (You, your, yours) ticket is on the table and where is (her, she, hers)?

14. He came out of the interview looking pleased with (him, himself, itself).

15. Can I borrow (your, yours, you) umbrella? — I'm sorry, it isn't (me, my, mine).

16. I'm sorry, but he's busy. Do you mind waiting for (he, him, his)?

17. Who told you about it? — A friend of (you, your, yours).

18. Don't ask for help. Do it (you, yourself).

19. Did he enjoy (him, his, himself) at the party?

20. Jill had lived by (itself, herself, her) before (her, hers) marriage, but now she was happy with her husband in (their, theirs) new house which (her, hers) husband had built (him, himself, itself).

Упражнение 5. Вместо точек вставьте одно из местоимений who, whom, whose what, which:

1.... will help me? 2.... of you will help me? 3.... of these girls is the youngest? 4.... is your hat? 5.... is your telephone number? 6.... pencil is this Peter's or Helen's? 7. … are you drinking? 8.... are you expecting? 9. …understands this rule? 10.... of you understands this rule? 11.... teaches you English? 12.... Is he? He is an engineer. 13.... trees grow in your garden? 14.... of you am I to thank for this? 15.... English books have you read this term? 16.... do you know about him? 17.... gloves are these? They are mine. 18.... piece of cake will you have? 19.... pencil is yours? 20.... is the way to the theatre? 21.... knows his address? 22.... would you like to drink? 23.... would you like to drink: mineral water or lemonade? 24.... of these cakes may I take? 25.... is the coldest season of the year? 26.... shoes do you want to buy? 27.... way did he go? 28. Here are the books.... is yours?


Упражнение 6. Напишите вопросы к выделенным словам, употребляя местоимения who, whom, whose what, which:

1. I am looking at him. 2. Petrov is a doctor. 3. They are talking about the international situation. 4. They are painters. 5. That is my sister's dog. 6. Some English books are lying on the table. 7. The children are sitting under the tree. 8. He Is waiting for me. 9. Ann called you up. 10. We saw Ann yesterday. 11. That man is Ivanov. 12. That book is mine. 13. I bought some red pencils yesterday. 14. These boys are my brothers. 15. May is the fifth month of the year. 16. I rang up my sister. 17. The dining room is the largest room in our house. 18. The handbag is made of leather. 19. The man asked for а сир of tea. 20. He has bought a gold watch. 21. He dictated the letter to the secretary. 22. This telegram is from my father. 23. Mathematics is the most difficult subject that I study. 24. I spoke to the director about it. 25. The director's office is on the third floor. 26. The height of this building is one hundred metres.


Упражнение 7. Вместо точек вставьте much или many:

1... people want to see this play. 2. I don't drink... wine. 3. How... sheets of paper do you want? 4. Hurry up! You haven't got... time. 5. How... does it cost? 6. Did you pay... money for your watch? 7. We haven't had... rain this summer. 8. How... time does it take to go there? 9. How... times have you been there? 10. How... butter did you buy? 11. How...apples did you buy? 12. He doesn't eat... fruit.



Упражнение 8. Вместо точек вставьте местоимения much, many, a lot (of):

1. He has not... friends in Moscow. 2. He has... friends. 3. He has as... friends as I have. 4. He has got... work to do. 5. He hasn't got... work to do to-day. 6. Have you invited... people to the party? 7. We have invited... people to the party. 8. You have invited too... people to the party. 9. I haven't bought... apples. 10. I have bought... apples. 11. He did not know... about it. 12. There isn't... international news in the local paper.

13. In the last twenty-four hours too... things happened. 14. There is too... sugar in my coffee. 15. Are there... students among your friends? 16. I don't have... patience with incompetence. 16. His work is well-paid but doesn't give him... satisfaction. 17. Martin spent... time in hospital last year.18.You'll have to work at English as... as possible. 19. Please don’t make so … noise. Father is working.20. There are too … things he can’t explain.

Упражнение 9. Вместо точек вставьте местоимения little, few, a little, a few:

1. I have … time, so I can’t go with you. 2. He has … English books. 3. There is …ink in this ink –pot. 4. There are … bears in the Zoo. 5. I have … money, so we can go to the cinema. 6. This girl works very …, and she knows nothing. 7. Mother gave us … and, we were very glad. 8. He had … friends at the camp, and he was not happy. 9. There was very... snow that winter.10. John has too much money and too... sense. 11. He's got a lot of stamps in his collection but his brother has.... 12. He worked hard but achieved.... 13. He is not sociable. He has... friends. 14. I enjoy my life here. I have... friends and we have a lot of fun together. 15. Pass me the jug please. There's... milk in my coffee. 16. She can ski... but she can't skate. 17. I don't think he can afford it. He earns very.... 18. There's no need to hurry. We still have... minutes left. 19. It was very cheap. It only cost... pounds. 20. I can't decide now. I need... time to think it over.

21. The group has brought very... luggage, only... suitcases. 22. John has too much money and too... sense.


Местоимения some, any, no и их производные

some – некоторый, какой-нибудь, несколько somebody, someone – кто-то, кто-нибудь something – что-то, что-нибудь Утвердительные предложения, специальные вопросы
any – кто-нибудь, какой-нибудь anybody, anyone – кто-нибудь anything – что-нибудь Отрицательные предложения, общие вопросы, условные предложения Any употребляется в утвердительных предложениях в значении “любой”.
no - никакой nobody, no one - никто nothing - ничто Отрицательные предложения




He asked me some questions. Have you got any interesting books? He didn’t make any mistakes. Why didn’t you buy some cheese? Give me something to read. There is not anything in the box. Somebody has taken my book. Он задал мне несколько вопросов. Some people like strong tea. We have no time to help you. (I have not any time to help you) We saw nobody there. There is nothing in the box.


Упражнение 1. Вместо точек вставьте местоимение some/ any/ no:

1. Did you buy... stamps? 2. He gave me... postcards. 3. Are there... illustrations in that book? Yes, there are... 4. He wants … pudding. You can take it away. 5. Is there… soap in the box? No, there isn't... 6. Take... jam, please. 7. Is there... paper in the drawer? 8. Put... sugar in my tea, please. 9. He never puts... sugar in his coffee. 10. Please give me... more pudding. - I am sorry, but there isn't... 11. There is... butter on the table, but there isn't... milk. 12. I asked him for... ink, and he gave me... 13. Did you buy... blue ink? 14. Do you want... apples? Here are... ripe ones. 15. Have you... more books? 16. I want to buy... flowers. We haven't... in our garden now. 17. Put... salt on your meat. 18. There aren't... matches left; we must buy... 19. He wants more milk. Give him... 20. Have you read... good books lately? 21. Can you give me... more information? 22. Will you buy... stamps for me, please? 23. If you find... money on the floor, it is mine. I dropped... this morning. 24. Here are... letters for you. 25. … news is good news. 26. There are …people in the park because it is cold. 27. Phone me … time you like tomorrow. I’ll be at home all day.



Упражнение 2. Вместо точек вставьте одно из местоимений somebody, someone, something, anybody, anything, nobody, no one, nothing:

1. I saw... at the window. 2. Is there... new? 3. There is... in the next room who wants to speak to you. 4. Has... called? 5. I want... to copy this text. 6. We have not told... about it. 7. Give me... to eat, I am hungry. 8. If... calls while I am out, ask him to wait. 9. If there is... else you want, please let me know. 10. I have not … more money with me, so I cannot buy... else. 11. Was there … absent? 12. … left the light on all night. 13. Where can I get... to drink? 14.... here who can give me... information on this question? 15. Let me know if... happens.16. It was quiet in the room. … said anything. 17. I know … at all. 18. The question was so difficult that …could answer it.


Упражнение 3. Вместо no, nothing, nobody употребите not... any, not... anything, not... anybody:

1. I saw nobody in the library. 2. There has been no rain for several days. 3 He said nothing about it in his last letter. 4. I have received no letters from him lately. 5. He gave me no ink. 6. I have no dictionary. 7. He said nothing. 8. I shall give the book to nobody else. 9. I have heard nothing about it.



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