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Logging quiz

Question 1: In the United Kingdom and ________, “timber” is a term also used for sawn wood products (that is, boards), whereas generally in the United States and Canada, the product of timber cut into boards is referred to as “ lumber”.

a) Australia c) Europe

b) Jamaica d) India

Question 2: Note that the word ________ is used in the UK and Australia to refer to North Americans who fell standing trees, and so the word “lumber” conjures images of what North Americans call “timber”, and vice versa.

a) Harvester c) Lumberjack

b) Old-growth forest d) Logging

Question 3: Lumber or timber is wood that is used in any of its stages from felling through readiness for use as structural material for ________, or wood pulp for paper production.

a) Building services c) Civil engineering


b) Construction d) Structural


Question 4: Dimensional lumber is a term used for lumber that is finished/planed and cut to standardized width and depth specified in ________.

a) Inch c) Yard

b) United States d) Foot

customary units

Question 5: Timber or lumber may be treated with a preservative that protects it from being destroyed by insects, ________ or exposure to moisture.

a) Plants c) Fungus

b) Mushrooms d) Animals

Question 6: Lumber is cut by ripsaw or resaw to create dimensions that are not usually processed by a primary ________.

a) Drying c) Water wheel

b) Sawmill d) Shrinkage

Question 7: The term “ lumberjill” has been known for a woman employed in driving logs down a river, for example in Britain during ________.

a) World War II c) Civil War

b) World War I d) Reformation

Question 8: Logging is the process in which certain trees are cut down by a ________ (or machine) for forest management and timber.

a) Woodworker c) Lumber grader

b) Carpenter d) Lumberer

Question 9: ________ refers to what in forestry might be called timber theft.

a) Clearcutting c) Illegal logging

b) Thinning d) Log driving

Question 10: Felled logs are then generally transported to a sawmill to be cut into ________, a paper mill for paper pulp, or for other purposes like fence posts.

a) Lumber c) Particle board

b) Plywood d) Engineered wood




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