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Equipment operators

Modern technology has changed the job of the modern logger considerably. Although the basic task of harvesting trees is still the same, the machinery and tasks are no longer the same. Many of the old job specialties on logging crews are now obsolete.Chainsaws, harvesters, and feller bunchers are now used to cut or fell trees.

Operation of costly and complex equipment, such as multifunctional logging machines requires special approach to the training of operators. Drawing on the previous experience of creating special service centers, some Russian companies employ best practice available in this field. One of them is a special purpose training machine completely simulating real conditions in a forest for operating a harvester or a forwarder. Such companies design specialized training programs and obtain a state license for them. A computer classroom is set up in the training center. Here, prior to getting in a harvester cab, future operators receive basic computer skills. This is especially important for people largely unfamiliar with computer equipment. After training, they successfully master PC and proceed to practical training on the simulator. Computer classes allow future specialists to feel more confident when working with a simulator.

Primary training of operators in the center takes three to four weeks, but it is only after a considerably longer period — several months to a year, depending on the individual capabilities — that a person becomes a real operator. The most efficient utilization mode of multifunctional logging machines is a round-the-clock shift work, when people stay in the forest seven to ten days running. Workers are provided with a forest camp consisting of powered mobile trailers. Usually, a camp includes cabins, a kitchen wagon, a repair shop and, of course, a bath-wagon. Operators of harvesters and forwarders work in two shifts of ten hours. Thus, equipment is operated practically round-the-clock with interruptions for refueling and maintenance.

Usage of state-of-the-art machinery helps also in solving a psychological problem of night work. In the nighttime, powerful halogen lamps create daylight in a rather large area around. However, not everyone can bear working alone in a forest at night with a nearest person being a couple of kilometers away. Hence, one of the training center's main tasks consists in selection of people capable of working in such conditions and training them to become competent specialists.

It must be said that working with modern equipment drastically changes logging labor conditions. Excellent cab visibility, air-conditioning, comfortable seat and ergonomic control system — these are among the most important merits of modern equipment. A harvester-forwarder complex performs the whole logging cycle without using manual labor, from woodcutting to loading of finished short logs on the vehicles.

The future of logging is only with modern equipment allowing for rapid increase in efficiency and productivity of forest work. For instance, a logging crew of seven workers operating Russian-made equipment can harvest seven to eight thousand cubic meters of wood. It will take seven such crews to harvest 50 thousand cubic meters, whereas with the use of a harvester-forwarder complex such a volume can be harvested by only one crew.


Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы

1. In what way has modern technology changed the job of the modern logger?

2. What does operation of costly and complex equipment, such as multifunctional logging machines, require?

3. What is the best practice employed in the field of training operators?

4. How long does training for becoming a real operator take?

5. How can the usage of state-of-the-art machinery help in solving a psychological problem of night work?

6. What are the the most important merits of modern logging equipment?



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