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Woodworking tools and equipment

Woodworking is a laborious job; this is because the activities as processing wood, cutting, fitting, etc., are involved in woodworking. Therefore it is important to use right woodworking tools which help to reduce the required labour and make woodworking much more convenient.

The woodworking tools are simple woodworking supplies such as hammer, saw, etc., which are small and operated manually. However, apart from woodworking tools woodworking machines are also available for facilitating your projects. They are used for the activities as processing of wood and even creating new wooden artistic objects.

There are several woodworking tools used these days. The most commonly used among them is a saw. There are different types of saws such as Japanese saws, dovetail saws, cross cut saws, Tenon saws, bow saws, chain saws, etc. They are used for cutting.

However, before cutting the wood, it is to be marked with woodworking tools such as markers and majoring tools. The tools such as measuring tapes, squares, rules are required for measuringand the woodworking tools such as marking gauges, knives, awls play a very crucial part in making marks before cutting.

Then the third most common woodworking tools are hammers. The hammers are required to fix nails with which different pieces of wood are fixed together to make the work piece. Apart from nails, screws also are commonly used for fixing different parts of the work piece.

Then the next important categories of woodworking tools are the chisels, scrapers and carving tools. They are required for a number of small activities involved in woodworking.

The finishing of the woodwork pieces also is an important part of woodworking. Th e wood planers are used forsmoothening and regularizing the surface. Scrapers and polishers such as sandpapers, steel wool and other abrasives also are useful for smoothening of the surface.

For additional support and for fixing different parts of the work piece together wax or adhesives are applied along with the nails and screws. The work piece is also generally coloured or polished with varnishes, colours, etc., therefore the woodworking tools such as brushes, or sprayers also are required.

Woodworking equipment is used tomould a piece of wood into the desired shape. Some of the common woodworking equipment includes biscuit joiner, chainsaw, jigsaw drill, nail gun, sander, wood router, spindle tool and rotary tool.

These are only among some of the common woodworking tools and equipment that every woodworker should have.



Запомните необходимый минимум профессиональной лексики

woodworking tools деревообрабатывающие инструменты
marking gauge простой рейсмус
awl шило
chisel долото
scraper скребок
carving резьба
planer строгальный станок
polisher шлифовальный станок
sandpaper наждачная бумага
abrasives шлифующие материалы
adhesives адгезивы, клеящие вещества
varnish лак
biscuit joiner ламельный фрезер
jigsaw лобзиковая пила
drill сверло, дрель
sander ленточно-шлифовальный станок
wood router быстроходный деревообрабатывающий фрезерный станок
spindle tool шпиндель

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