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Machines used in wood harvesting

Harvesting wood is a lot of work. It requires many pieces of heavy equipment. The machines used to harvest wood have evolved over the years. Today, many pieces of heavy machinery are used to make harvesting wood easier. In Europe, the most popular technique is a so-called Scandinavian logging method (developed in Sweden and Finland). It is based on the cut-to-length logging and involves extensive use of powerful logging equipment —harvesters and forwarders. Harvesters (from the English word harvester — reaper, crop gatherer) are multifunctional logging machines intended to perform a large number of operations: fell trees, trim branches, and crosscut and bundle logs during clearcutting and selective cutting, as well as improvement felling. Forwarders (from the English word “forwarder” — carrier, forwarding agent) are self-loading machines for cut-to-length skidding. The technological purpose of these machines includes subgrading, cut-to-length shipment from logging sites to a wood track or a warehouse and cut-to-length piling. A forwarder consists of a loading module — a manipulator — and a cargo module — a cart. A forwarder's average productivity, when working after a harvester, is 12 c.m. per hour. One complex including a harvester and a forwarder can substitute around 80 people working at a cutting area on the basis of a traditional technology.In the past, loggers needed to manually chop a tree down, predicting where that tree is likely to fall. A feller buncher does all of this work for the logger instead. This piece of heavy equipment has a deck that holds the tree in place for a more controlled fall. A feller buncher also has a saw on it that cuts through the tree while the deck holds it. The tree can then be gently placed on the ground for another machine to take it away. A skidder is a piece of heavy machinery that pulls cut trees out of a forest, and it, too, has evolved since its early days. Almost all versions of the skidder today have heavy duty tires or tracks and can move a larger amount of trees more quickly than previous versions. Today, there are generally two types of commonly-used skidders: cable skidders and grapple skidders. A yarder is a piece of heavy equipment for moving logs around a logging site, bringing them to a stage or landing so they can be loaded onto vehicles for transport to a processing facility. Log loaders are used at the landing to pick up trees that have been skidded from the forest. They process the trees through the delimber (processor) and slasher and load the finished product on log truck to be transported to the mill.At the harvesting site shovel loggers are used between the feller-bunchers and the skidders. In wet, soft and soggy ground these track machines use the logs felled by the feller -buncher to make a travelling mat for the skidders and arrange bunches for maximum skidder production.Once the landing is cleared by the feller buncher, the excavator and bulldozer will arrive to build the access road, stump and smooth the landing. In some woodland areas, brush can be a problem, especially when using heavy equipment. Brush cutters are machines that clear brush quickly and efficiently, making a path for larger equipment. The new equipment allows to significantly enhance efficiency, reduce logging costs and improve the operators’ and workers’ working conditions and safety.

Запомните необходимый минимум профессиональной лексики

Scandinavian logging method скандинавская технология лесозаготовки
harvester харвестер, лесозаготовительный комбайн
forwarder форвардер
multifunctional logging machine многооперационая лесозаготовительная машина
clearcutting сплошная рубка
selective cutting выборочная рубка
improvement felling улучшающая выборочная рубка
wood track лесовозная дорога; трелевочный волок
logging site лесосека
chop отрезать
feller buncher валочно-пакетирующая машина
logger лесозаготовитель, лесоруб
saw пила
skidder скиддер, трелевочный механизм
cable skidder канатный трелевочный трактор
grapple skidder трелевочный трактор с пачковым захватом
yarder трелевочная лебедка
landing погрузочная площадка
vehicle трактор; транспортное средство
log loader лесопогрузчик
delimber сучкорезная машина
processor процессор; сучкорезно-раскряжевочная машина
slasher слешер (раскряжевочная установка)
log truck лесовозный автомобиль
shovel logger совковая лесозаготовительная машина
woodland areas лесные угодья
brush cutter кусторез

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