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Ex. 10 Give the possible variants of translation

a) Subject:

1. Maintaining constant temperature and pressure during the test was absolutely necessary.

2. The student’s taking part in the research was of great help to the whole laboratory.

3. His offering new temperature conditions for the system will give greater efficiency.

b) Predicative:

1. The task of the factory was producing corrosion-resistant polymers in far larger quantities.

2. Their aim is finding new ways of utilizing this first-class polymer in light industry.

c) Object:

1. The experimentalist suggested purifying the solution by a new method.

2. The researcher took great interest in our improving the properties of the rubber-like substances.

3. We know of silver and copper being very good conductors of electricity.

d) Attribute:

1. The new heating and lighting installations supply the shops of our plant with heat and light.

2. At present scientists take great interest in the methods of turning the light and heat of the sun directly into electricity.

e) Adverbial modifier:

1. By subjecting air to very great pressure and cooling it is possible to transform it to the liquid state.

2. One cannot transform water into steam without heating it.

3. In converting water into ice we do not change its composition.

4. Physical changes are those which influence the condition or state of matter without changing its composition.

Ex. 11Translate the phrases and the sentences.

a) a new method of obtaining fine wire; to improve the strength of the material by reinforcing it with special fibre; to conduct a test without taking into account weather conditions; after estimating the resistance of the alloy; the art of mixing metals with other substances.

b) 1. Before our testing the new synthetic film we measured its length and thickness.

2. Modelling will help him greatly in designing the device.

c) Professor Petrov’s studying the properties of various kinds of glass gives much material for future scientific research.

Ex. 12Translate and define the functions of the Gerund.

1. V. V. Petrov was the follower of Lomonosov in studying electricity in our country. Petrov was the first to speak about the possibility of using the electric arc for lighting, he was the first to discover the possibility of getting metals out of ores by means of electricity.

2. Making giant molecules out of little ones is called polymerization. Academician Zelinsky’s works formed the basis for synthesizing a large number of new chemical compounds. The task of the scientist was studying the mechanism of polymerization and finding the conditions for processing polymer materials.

3. In 1869 Mendeleyev suggested using a new system of the classification of elements. After studying and analyzing a tremendous amount of material Mendeleyev succeeded in determining the correct atomic weight of nine elements. His hard work resulted in publishing the Periodic Law of Elements which made him world-famous.

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