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Как сделать разговор полезным и приятным Как сделать объемную звезду своими руками Как сделать то, что делать не хочется? Как сделать погремушку Как сделать так чтобы женщины сами знакомились с вами Как сделать идею коммерческой Как сделать хорошую растяжку ног? Как сделать наш разум здоровым? Как сделать, чтобы люди обманывали меньше Вопрос 4. Как сделать так, чтобы вас уважали и ценили? Как сделать лучше себе и другим людям Как сделать свидание интересным?


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Choose one of the dialogues, learn it and get ready to present it orally in pairs

(with one of your group mates).

  Where from Destination Purpose Length of stay
Dialogue 1. ACan I ask you a few questions? BCertainly. AWe’re collecting information to help us monitor passenger movements. BOK. ACan I ask where you are from? BWe’re from Pakistan. AAnd where are you going? BTo Mecca. AIs that for a pilgrimage? BThat’s right. We’re going there to visit the Holy Shrine of the Prophet Mohammed. I’ve been to Mecca many times, but this is the first time for my family, so we are very excited. AI see. And how long are you planning to stay? BWe’ll probably stay for a week or so, because we want to do some sightseeing as well afterwards. AOK, thanks very much. I hope it goes well. BThank you. Dialogue 3. AExcuse me, have you got time to answer a few quick questions? DI think so. ACan I start by asking where you’ve travelled from this morning and where you’re going to? DI’m from London and I drove here this morning. I’m off to New York. AAnd what’s the reason for your trip? DIt’s my brother’s wedding and I’m his best man! AA very important job. Does he live in New York? DYes, he went there a few years ago to start a software company – he’s been very successful. AHow long are you staying? DWell, probably four days, but I’ve got an open return in case they ask me to stay on for a bit longer. You never know… was that the New York flight they just called? AI’m not sure. Why don’t you check? I haven’t got any more questions. DOK, thanks! Dialogue 2. AHello, madam. We’re doing a passenger survey to help with tourism planning. I wonder if I could ask you some questions? CAll right. AWhere are you travelling to? CBangkok, Thailand. One moment, please… No, it’s nothing. Sorry about that. I have to have the phone on in case there’s a problem at the office. ANo problem… What is the purpose of your visit? Are you travelling for a business trip? CYes, I suppose so, but it’s, well, yes, it’s also pleasure too, at least I hope so. It’s a fam trip – a familiarization trip. I’m a tour operator, part of a group of tour operators from Italy. We’re being taken out to Thailand because we need to see what the facilities will be like for our tourists. We want to start a new tour programme there for the Italian market. AHow long is the trip? CFive days. AGreat. Thank you, and good luck.   Dialogue 4. ACan I ask you some questions for a survey we’re doing? EYes, of course. AHave you just come in on the Madrid flight? EYes, but we started in Buenos Aires. We are from Argentina, but we had to fly to Madrid because there were no direct flights available. AWhere are you going to? ETo London. AWhy are you going to? ETo London. AWhy are you visiting London? EWe are going to London for a study tour for four weeks. We are learning English. AApart from learning English, do you have any other reasons to be here, any other things you want to do? EYes, we have a lot of day trips and excursions to famous places, and we want to go to Scotland to see the Edinburgh festival. We want to do sightseeing, but not just sightseeing, we are here because we want to know about the culture, and not only because of the famous sights.

Grammar Drills

Review Conditionals, Wishes.

Task 11. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:

A) interrogative and negative sentences:

  1. If you sell more packages than you did last year I'll give you a bonus.
  2. If I lost my job, I'd have a lot of problems getting another one.
  1. If I had gone to England, I would have missed Rachel's visits.
  2. I wish I had more time.

B) alternative questions:

  1. If you take my advice you'll keep a tighter control on what Jerome gets up to. (not to mind)
  2. If I were in your position, I'd be more aware of what people really felt. (ignorant)
  1. If I'd gone to University, I would have liked to have studied Economics and Tourism. (Finance and Accounting)
  2. I wish I lived in a hotter country. (a cooler country)

C) tag questions:

  1. If he accepts our offer we'll have to withdraw that's the most we can afford to pay.
  2. If I spoke Japanese as well as you do, I'd try to find a job with one of the Japanese Travel Groups.
  1. I would have gone to the cocktail party if I hadn't had too much work on.
  2. I can't come. I wish I had been able to come.

D) special questions:

  1. If you give me a 10% discount I'll buy two. (What, Who, How much discount)
  2. If we didn’t spent more on Research and Development, we would be much behind technologically. (Who, What..on, How)
  1. I would have bought a Mercedes if I had been able to afford it. (What, Who, Why)
  2. I wish I had known something about catering. (who, Why, What)

Task 12. Open the brackets, put the verbs into the correct Conditional Type (1,2,3, mixed):

  1. If he (to be) here now, he could give you a good advice.
  2. He wouldn't have been so upset if Susan (to write) to him earlier.
  3. If I (to work) at this firm, I'd earn more.
  4. If she (to fail) in her present job, she could think about another one.
  5. If he (to know) that Chinese was going to be so difficult, I would never have started to learn it.
  6. If father (to manage) to repair his car, he could have driven us to Kyiv.
  7. If they (not to reach) the land, the sailors would have died.
  8. The car will start if you (to turn) the key.
  9. If they (can have) some more lessons, they could improve their pronunciation.
  10. If Emma (to know) the clue, our team would solve it.

Task 13. Complete the sentence using 'I wish…':

  1. You want to visit Australia but you're frightened of flying. I wish ……
  2. You wanted to go to the theatre but you couldn't find any tickets anywhere. I wish …
  3. You wanted to ring Kelly but you lost her phone number. I wish….
  4. You want to make a coffee but you've run out. I wish….
  5. You want to go swimming but it's too cold. I wish ….

Task 14. Translate into Ukrainian:

  1. I wish he would drive more carefully. But I don't think he will.
  2. If I hadn't missed the early train, I wouldn't have been late.
  3. If I won €1,000,000, I would buy myself a villa by the sea.
  4. She would be at the meeting if she had been told about it.
  5. If the receptionist hadn't made a mistake, the hotel would not be overbooked.

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