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Образец сообщения о своей научной деятельности

Present your personal data and scientific background following the points below






Date of birth


Employment to date

Marital status

Skills (languages)


Scientific adviser

The topic of the thesis

Hypothesis under test/general hypothesis conception



My name is … I was born on the 23-d of May in 1986 so I’m 25 years old. I come originally from the Ukraine but now I live in Russia. I lived in Dnepropetrovsk until I was 12 years old and then my family moved to Novosibirsk. I live in a block of flats in Severnaya Street. My private phone number is … I’m married (single).

I obtained my early education at secondary school in Novosibirsk. When I was a student (in high school) we had a teacher who was mainly responsible for my decision to study sciences seriously. When it was time for me to enter a higher educational establishment, and it was five years ago, I entered (was accepted in) Siberian State University of Railways and studied mechanical engineering (economics, traffic operation and management, etc) at the Railway Track Construction Faculty. I completed my undergraduate studies and graduate work with honours. So I received my degree in railroad engineering from this University in 2000 and it never occurred to me that I would do anything else but work with … (I was stimulated by the problem of …). But I was called into military service with the RF Army. Two years later I began from scratch. I decided to pursue additional postgraduate studies at … and turned my focus to passing special exams and becoming a postgraduate at … I had to build up my knowledge of English, philosophy and science... I chose to do my doctoral work at our University and prepare a thesis under my adviser on …

I study non-destructive methods of railroad testing and develop a keen understanding of the metal fatigue process. My doctorate thesis prepared under the guidance of … is on …/ My thesis is carried out under adviser … in collaboration with …/ I write my dissertation under the guidance of … My adviser is an assistant professor (full professor) of … He is an outstanding teacher at both graduate and undergraduate levels. He supervises doctoral students and makes countless contributions to … He is a successful scientist and a pathfinder for others. He initiated a large new area of theoretical and experimental research … His pioneering work opened up a new field. His software contributions are critical to the success of computer-aided trial of road rails and bridge beams. He directs the university’s laboratory of … His interest in non-destructive testing extended to industrial applications, including … The RF Railroads today use acoustic emission devices based on his developments. He plays a key-role in making … His many students develop deep and life-long bounds with him because he is a caring and understanding mentor who is supportive not only during their scientific training, but also personally. His life-long interests and profoundly rigid self-discipline led to … He is knowledgeable in his science, forthright and courteous in his conversation, he is the personification of a true scholar. Numerous national honours were bestowed on him during his career. He is instrumental in further developing the technique and its application to a broad range of problems in …

I perform (conduct) research = investigate some of the original approaches to … in a promising area of research. I am engaged in experiments. I’ve been considering new approaches …. The work includes a series of studies of …, It helps to connect academic research to its ultimate use in private practice. At the moment I’m completely engaged in my research but I am not free from all other responsibilities. I teach and do some research. I joined the faculty of.. as an instructor... I produced some of the first reliable quantitative data for …and received several patents for my achievements while researching and teaching part-time at the University. Unfortunately I often get interrupted during my research, so I have to put it down and spend the rest of the day concentrating on some other work and I would say that nine-to-five science is almost impossible. I produced a number of publications and presented my ideas in refereed journals.... I succeed in personal scientific work and received several awards. I introduced the so-called three-step model to interprete the results … According to the model … the.. process occurs in three independent steps …. My ambitions are to stay on the research I’m doing and try to complete my PhD. I have research experience and I’ve been completing all of the University requirements for the PhD in … I shall (obtain my doctorate) receive my PhD on the topic of the …/ I will receive my PhD with a thesis entitled … /The thesis research for the first doctorate in …/I want to earn my PhD with honours and become an assistant professor rising to the rank of.. professor. Besides I’d like to master a near-native command (adequate spoken) of English.

There is a plenty of work to be done. Whatever I do I try to do as well as I can. I’m a compulsory worker and just put maximum effort into my investigation. On the other hand I hope this work will ultimately develop into my career.

I am not so much a watcher of things, I like doing things. My usual hobbies are to do some light outdoor activities but I am not too much involved in sports though I’m an active person and an accomplished tennis player. Books and music are among my passions. If I have any spare time I like mostly listening to music and I am an avid reader of scientific and historical books. It stimulated my interests in a variety of.. topics, particularly … But very often I spend my leisure time doing the same as I do during working time. That’s hard to say which is which. So my hobby is life. I can’t imagine anyone being bored because I have many interests and do all sorts of things. I think I enjoy what I do all the time and try to find myself in the right place in the right time.

As far as family is concerned I’d like to say that we never discuss who’s the boss in it. We share responsibilities together. I like to think that I make big decisions in our family but that’s a matter of opinion. And I wish I knew the proper answers to all sorts of questions about bringing up children, making money and solving scientific problems simultaneously.

So what else would you like me to say about my background and current work?



5. Образец оформления термина в терминологическом словаре

Industry (n) - distinct group of productive or profit-making enterprises; - manufacturing activity as a whole
    As a result, according to the World Bank, from 2001 to 2002 growth accelerated in the industries that export natural resources but slowed in those that produce goods for the home market. The property and telecoms industries in the Philippines may now undergo an invigorating consolidation. The effectiveness of SRA's relationship with Network Rail is critical as the industry strives to recover confidence and stability. Bowker does not belong to the school that argues for the structure of the industry to change. Despite EU Directive 91/440, which requires the separation of infrastruc­ture from train operations, in most countries the integrated nationalized railway industry remains the centrepiece. However, the authors came to feel some unease about whether these were producing standards which will best serve the long term interests of the industry. The Report concludes that this needs in particular an industry body, which is much stronger than the present AEIF structure, established to implement the interoperability directives. In a year of stabilization, the question remains whether there should be fewer players in the rolling stock industry to provide a worthwhile investment for shareholders. Many have argued that the indus­try's troubles have been exacerbated by subsidies keeping too many facto­ries open, when a normal industry shake-outwould have stripped out surplus capacity a long time ago. Only a few options exist to change the industry significantly. Some bits of the economy, such as a grow­ing software industry, are world-class, al­though admittedly they are still small.  
    branch of industry light/heavy industry key industry domestic industry related industry service industries to develop/expand industry industry activity of the plant       - отрасль промышленности - легкая/тяжелая промышленность - ведущая отрасль промышленности - отечественная промышленность - смежная отрасль промышленности - сфера услуг - развивать промышленность - производственная деятельность по профилю отрасли



- вопросы и задания для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации, а также для контроля самостоятельной работы по отдельным разделам дисциплины;

- перечень используемых методических указаний по организации всех видов самостоятельной работы.


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