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The Federal Reserve System

Dialogue Conrad Morgan: Woods Palmer: Conrad Morgan: Woods Palmer: Conrad Morgan: Woods Palmer:

I’m remitting by check on your bank an amount due on my note to a bank in Florida. Will that bank send the check directly to you for collection?

It could do that. But it’ll probably send the check through the regular channels.

What does that mean?

Well, the bank to which your check is payable will send it to the Federal Reserve Bank in its Reserve District. The transit department of that bank will send it to the Federal Reserve Bank in our Reserve District. From there it’s sent to us.

Conrad Morgan: Woods Palmer: Conrad Morgan: Woods Palmer: Conrad Morgan: Woods Palmer: Conrad Morgan: Woods Palmer:
How many Reserve Districts are there?

There are twelve, with one Reserve Bank in District. Also, most of the larger banking institutions like ours are members of the System, and all checks and other items of exchange flowing through the System are cleared at par.

Par means face value?

Yes. And every bank that handles an item endorses it with recourse.

Does that mean that if a check isn’t honored by the drawee bank, it’s finally returned to the payee, who’s held liable for the amount?

That’s right.

To become a member of the System, was your bank required to subscribe to any stock in the Reserve Bank in your District?

Yes. And, to explain further, all national banks must be members of the System. Incorporated state banks, including commercial banks, mutual savings banks, trust companies, and industrial banks, may join the System.

Other than handling items of exchange, what services do Federal Reserve Banks offer member banks?

As fiscal agents of the United States Treasury, they assist in the issue and redemption of government bonds and the refinancing of bonds that have reached maturity. They’ll also accept from us any paper that can be redis­counted, if our cash reserve becomes low.


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