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Урок 99. Річне оцінювання з читання

Мета: контроль сформованості навичок читання.




Т. Today is year test on reading.


Повідомлення результатів річного оцінювання з говоріння

Учитель повідомляє про результати виконання тесту з говоріння й аналізує типові помилки.

Перевірка сформованості навичок читання

1-й варіант

I. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words.

Text “London"

London is the capital of the (1).... It stands on the river (2).... London is a very (3)... city. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. Now London is a big (4)... and a beautiful city with large squares and parks. About 8 million people (5)... here. London is one of the biggest cities in the (6)... The Thames is not a (7)... river. It is 3 hundred and 30 kilometers long. The English people call it “The (8)... of London”. There are many green (9)... and famous monuments in the center of the city. Tourists from all over the world (10)... this beautiful capital.

  a) Ireland b) British Isles c) Scotland d) UK
  a) Severn b) Thames c) Tyne d) Wye
  a) old b) modern c) small d) little
  a) land b) place c) country d) port
  a) work b) visit c) live d) enjoy
  a) Europe b) world c) British Isles d) UK
  a) long b) deep c) wide d) strong
  a) Sister b) Father c) Brother d) Granny
  a) cars b) houses c) streets d) parks
  a) go b) come c) visit d) fly

II. Match the parts of the sentence.

1. Red Rose is the symbol a) the capital of Wales
2. Big Ben is b) the currency of the UK
3. Cardiff is c) of England
4. Queen of Great Britain lives d) the clock
5. Pound is e) in Buckingham Palace

III. Translate the sentences.

1. З яких частин складається Великобританія?

2. Яка столиця Шотландії?

3. Де розташований Лондон?

4. Яка найдовша річка Великобританії?

5. Хто живе в Букінгемському Палаці?

IV. Provide names to the following places.

2-й варіант

I. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words.

Text "Places to see in London"

If you want to see London the best place to go is the (1).... It is a big wheel on the river Thames and it is very popular. Every day 1600 people (2)... to the eye. The wheel is very (3)... — 133 meters. At the top of it you get a(4)... view of London. You can see Buckingham Palace where queen of England (5)... Buckingham Palace has 600 (6)..., a swimming pool, a cinema, a ballroom and a garden. On the right bank of the Thames you can (7)... the Tower of London. It is a very (8)... building. It is 9 hundred years old.

Tourists in London always (9)... to visit Westminster and see Big Ben. They want to see the clock in its tower and to (10)... the bells.

  a) Tower Bridge b) Trafalgar Square c) Eye d) Piccadilly Circus
  a) use b) go c) see d) ask
  a) small b) nice c) tall d) interesting
  a) great b) bad c) funny d) big
  a) cooks b) speaks c) works d) lives
  a) people b) gardens c) halls d) rooms
  a) see b) meet c) go d) hear
  a) modern b) old c) nice d) new
  a) stay b) see c) want d) know
  a) hear b) see c) feel d) try

II. Match the parts of the sentence.

1. The Thames a) the place where the Prime Minister lives.
2. Belfast is b) the national language.
3. Union Jack is c) the capital of Northern Ireland.
4. Downing St. 10 is d) is the river where London stands.
5. English is e) the name of the flag of the UK.

III. Translate the sentences.

1. Що таке Об’єднане Королівство?

2. Яка столиця Уельсу?

3. Де розташований Біг Бен?

4. Який символ Англії?

5. Яка національна мова Великобританії?

IV. Provide names to the following places.

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